20 Chapter 2 Introductory Material
Affine maps can be combined, and a complicated map may be decomposed
into a sequence of simpler maps. Every affine map can be composed of transla-
rotations, shears, and scalings.
The rank of
has an important geometric interpretation: if rank (A) = 3, then
the affine map O maps 3D objects to 3D objects. If the rank is less than three,
O is a parallel projection onto a plane (rank = 2) or even onto a straight line
An affine map of
to E^ is uniquely determined by a (nondegenerate) triangle
and its image. Thus any two triangles determine an affine map of the plane onto
In E^, an affine map is uniquely defined by a (nondegenerate) tetrahedron
and its image.
We may also define affine maps of vectors. If w = b
a is a vector, and Ax + v
represents an affine map O, then
^(w) = Aw
is the image of w under O. As expected, the translational part v of the affine map
is of no consequence when mapping vectors to vectors.
2.5 Constructing Affine Maps
Suppose we are given a 2D point set pj,. . . ,
whose centroid is located at
the origin. Before discussing affine maps of these points, we first study a unique
ellipse that is associated with this point set; it is called the norm ellipse, see [90],
[155], [449], [448], [510].
Our derivation of this ellipse is as follows: an ellipse with center at the origin
is given by a quadratic from
= 1 (2.4)
where A is a symmetric matrix with two nonnegative eigenvalues.
Our goal is to find a symmetric matrix A that captures some of the character-
istics of the given point set.
is of the form
If it were on an ellipse defined by A, then all points would satisfy
pjAp, = l; /=1,...,L. (2.5)