9. pro forma, projected, future; income, income, revenues, expenses;
investment, financing
10. analysis, cash; pro forma, asset, liability, equity; percent-of-sales, sales,
income, sales, balance
1. Financial planning is the allotment of resources to meet investment
goals. Financial planning is important as it gives insight into the man-
ager’s decisions as to their perception of market conditions and how
the dynamic market conditions will affect the investing and financing
decisions of the company.
2. The firm’s investment plans and financing plans mentioned in short
answer question 1 are the firm’s budgeting process. Operational bud-
geting refers to short-term budgeting and long-run planning is long-
term budgeting.
Budgeting determines feasible investments based on the current abil-
ity to finance them. Budgets gauge current and past performance of
departments, divisions, or individual managers.
3. Regression is a mathematical model fitting technique that fits a line
graphically expressing the relationship between two units. Regression
is used to forecast based on historical data. Forecasting errors are the
difference between the forecasted value and the actual value.
4. Analysis of cash flows allows the tracking of cash inflows and outflows
as a result of operating, investing, and financing activities. Cash inflows
should be greater than cash outflows. A cash budget, which is a
detailed statement of the cash flows expected in future periods, can
help identify financing and investment needs.
5. There are many analyses and forecasting techniques for cash flows.
Each one is subject to its own prescribed assumptions concerning a
variety of factors such as the economic conditions, market conditions,
and other factors affecting cash flows. Two methods mentioned in the
text that help gauge uncertainty of cash flows are sensitivity analysis
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