respectively, overall; 6.6 ⫾ 1.7 vs 7.3 ⫾ 1.3 cells,
respectively, in transferred embryos). Pregnancy rate,
however, was significantly lower following transfer
of type II embryos than type III embryos (32.9 vs
49%, respectively).
Compared to embryos with all other patterns of
fragmentation, those with type IV fragmentation
had fewer cells (5.2 ⫾ 1.4) on day 3 and led to far
fewer implantations and pregnancies. Fluorescence
in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis has shown a
significantly higher incidence of chromosomal
abnormality in embryos with type IV fragmenta-
tion than those with types I, II, or III fragmentation
(M Alikani, G Tomkin and S Munné, unpublished
The same fragmentation pattern classification
was adopted by others
who studied the
incidence of different patterns among transferred
embryos in pregnant and non-pregnant cycles.
Prior to embryo transfer, the zona pellucida in all
embryos was partially opened with acidified
Tyrode’s solution but fragments were not removed.
The degree of fragmentation was not noted in these
embryos. The results showed that in pregnancy
cycles, 48% of transferred embryos had type I frag-
mentation, while in non-pregnant cycles, a gener-
ally lower incidence of type I and a generally higher
incidence of type II fragmentation had occurred.
Implantation failed in seven cases in which embryos
with fragmentation types III and IV were transferred
exclusively. The latter outcome is not consistent
with our own experience with these fragmenta-
tion patterns, but the discrepancy may be partly
explained by the very low number of observations
in the study of Desai et al.
Moreover, since the
classification of the patterns still has an element of
subjectivity, observer variation may also account for
these differences.
In another interesting study,
embryos with more
than 25% fragmentation showed very low viability
(0.8%). When cell number, degree of fragmenta-
tion, and cell asymmetry (the latter defined as ‘none,
some, and severe’) were considered together, there
was a measurable negative impact of asymmetry on
viability of 8-cell embryos, regardless of the degree
of fragmentation (⬍10% or 10–25%). Transfer of
7-cell and ⬍7-cell embryos with severe asymmetry
led to complete failure of implantation.
Collectively, these data point to a definition of
‘top quality’ embryos as those with less than 20%
fragmentation, at least seven blastomeres on day 3
of development
, little asymmetry (attributable
to asynchronous division of cells), and no major
size discrepancy attributable to fragmentation or
uneven division of cells.
The impact of fragmentation on neonatal out-
come is less clear. One study
has suggested that
transfer of embryos with 25% to ⬎50% fragmenta-
tion leads to significantly higher rates of fetal abnor-
malities than transfer of embryos with ⬍25%
fragmentation. Four minor malformations occurred
among the 180 children born following 309 transfers
in the ⬍25% fragmentation group. In another group
consisting of 75 transfers that included embryos
with 25–50% fragmentation, one case of trisomy 21
and one of fibroma were seen among 13 newborns.
Among 19 children born following 76 transfers that
included embryos with ⬎50% fragmentation, two
cases of trisomy 18, one of hydrocephalus with anal
atresia, and one of hydrocele were found.
Several aspects of this study are puzzling. For
example, the large proportion of transfers that
reportedly included embryos with ⬎50% fragmen-
tation (75/460 or 16%) brings into question the
accuracy of the fragmentation estimates. In our data-
base of 3322 transfers homogeneous with respect to
the degree of fragmentation, only 1.3% (43/3322)
had embryos with ⬎35% fragmentation. The total
number of embryos with 50% or more fragmenta-
tion within this group was 25. When the entire
database was considered, 96 of 25 372 (0.38%)
transferred embryos had 50% or more fragmenta-
tion. These figures reflect the deliberate exclusion of
such embryos from transfer and the relatively low
frequency with which such extensive fragmentation
occurs in the first 2–3 days of culture (5893/79 936
or 7.4%).
Another point of debate is the implied associa-
tion of aneuploidy – in this case, trisomies – with
fragmentation. So far, such an association has not
been established by chromosomal analysis of
large numbers of IVF embryos. The incidence of