of trace elements in the human body, which, if true, would indicate an enormous
biomagnification from rocks through the food chain to humans. It was claimed that the
average human body contains 560 mg Te, which put it fourth in abundance after Fe, Zn
andRb(seealsoCohen, 1984). The evidence seems to be that these workers reported
erroneous data, because it has since been shown that instead of 560 mg Te in humans
there is only 0.7 mg Te in an average body of 70 kg – almost three orders of magnitude
less Te (Emsley, 1998). As a result of this and other findings, it would appear that the
extraordinarily high levels of Te in biological systems reported by Schroeder et al.
(1967) and Cohen (1984) were incorrect.
Probably a more realistic assessment of typical Te concentrations in plants comes
from a study conducted twenty years later using a more refined analytical technique
(Cowgill, 1988). This was a comprehensive study of Te in vegetation from the vicin ity
of precious metal–mercury–telluride mineralization in the Ely mining district of
Nevada. It involved the collection and analysis of 480 samples of trees and shrubs,
and 505 samples of flowering plants. An additional 105 samples were collected from
various areas of western Colorado. All samples were analysed for Te, Se, Fe, S, Zn,
Cu and Pb. On average, flowers were found to contain significantly more Te than
other plant parts. In trees, the highest Te concentrations were in the foli age and the
lowest in the branches. Seleniferous species of the vetch Astragalus contained larger
amounts of Te than plants in the Te-rich Ely area, whereas non-seleniferous species
of this genus contained much less. This pattern is in accord with the usual sympa-
thetic correlation between Te and Se, because of their geochemi cal affinity in nature.
No plants contained more than 1 ppm Te in dry tissue.
Limited data on dry samples from near PGE/Au mineralization have indicated
that Te in Labrador tea is more concentrated in leaves than twigs, whereas black
spruce twigs have more Te than in needles. To obtain information on the geochemical
‘relief’ of Te datasets, samples need first to be reduced to ash by controlled ignition at
C because of the very low concentrations of Te in dry tissues. It appears that
little or no Te volatilizes from spruce at this temperature – samples of black spruce
twigs from a PGE deposit have returned concentrations of 0.06 ppm Te in dry tissue
and 0.05 ppm Te when ash of the same sample is normalized to a dry-weight basis.
Preliminary data indicate that more Te volatilizes from foliage of deciduous species
than conifers, but this needs further investigation. Figure 9-64 shows data from the
determination of a set of dry tissue samples. The diamond symbols indicate data
from the direct analysis of 1 g samples of dry tissue, and show that only two samples
yielded values above the detection limit of 0.02 ppm Te (values below detection are
shown at half the detection limit). Fifteen-gram samples of the same material were
reduced to ash and Te determinations were made. The data were then normalized to
a dry-weight basis by adjusting for the loss on ignition. This exercise permitted two
important observations to be made.
The only two samples of dry tissue that yiel ded concentrations above detection
proved to be the samples with the highest (and very similar) concentrations
Biogeochemistry in Mineral Exploration