dialog boxes
BOOTP Table, 448
DHCP Relay Agent, 450-451
Reservation Options, 449
Scope Properties, 446
Server Options, 447
differentiating clients on ISC DHCP server,
DISCONNECT message, failover peers, 162
disjointed servers (DHCP), configuration files,
merging, 305-309
distributions (ISC DHCP server)
building, 227-228
configuring, 227
installing, 229-230
system log configuration, 231
unpacking, 226-227
vendor-supplied versions, 230
DNS (Domain Name System), 54, 177
A (address) resource record, 394
automatic updates via DHCP, 63
dangling A (address) records, 408
databases, dynamic updates, 179-189
domain name management, 178-179
function of, 177
incorrect DHCP server information, debug-
ging, 415
IP addresses
forward mapping, 393
reverse mapping, 178, 393
ISC DHCP server updates, configuring, 239
namespaces, 177
PTR (pointer) resource record, 394
threat model, 395-396
records, removal of, 407-408
resource records (RRtypes), 178
A (address), 178
PTR (pointer), 178
server updates, 198
TCP/IP application layer, 54
Time to Live (TTL) records, setting, 408-410
client-supplied hostnames, 396
debugging, 410-411
dual booting issues, 397
name clashes, 397
no supplied hostnames, 397
policies, setting, 395-397
security, 397-400
zones, start of authority (SOA) records,
DNS and Bind, 523
DNS operators
add, 485
delete, 485
exists, 485
not exists, 485
DNS servers
addresses, DHCP server configuration, 32-34
updates, configuring, 402-407
domain name option (host configuration para-
meters), 132
Domain Name System. See DNS
domain server option (NIS service options), 143
downloading ISC DHCP server, 223-224
DRARP (Dynamic Reverse Address Resolution
Protocol), 65
DSL routers, problems, avoiding (DHCP service),
dual booting, DNS updates, 397
dual-boot client systems, troubleshooting, 427
DUIDs (DHCP unique identifiers), 438
duplicate IP addresses, troubleshooting, 427-428
dynamic address allocation
mixing with static allocation, 281-282
moving to static allocation, 282-284
dynamic address allocation 559
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