scope In the Microsoft DHCP server, a collection of IP addresses and associated
parameter values to be assigned to DHCP clients. More generally, scope is the range
of influence of an option declaration or variable.
shared network A network segment that has been assigned two or more IP
shell script A program that is written in a Unix command interpreter language
such as
sh or csh.
SLP (Service Location Protocol) A protocol for identifying and locating
network services. SLP can provide flexible and dynamic configuration of services also
provided through DHCP options.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) A protocol that is used to deliver e-
mail messages.
source routing A technique in which the source specifies the path for an IP data-
gram to its destination, rather than making routing decisions in routers.
state transition diagram A graphical representation of the states and transi-
tions that describe the behavior of a finite state machine.
static route A fixed routing table entry that is not obtained through a routing
static (or fixed) allocation Preconfigured assignment of IP address and configu-
ration parameters to a DHCP client, usually in the DHCP server configuration file.
See also automatic allocation, dynamic allocation.
StreetTalk A directory service that is included with Banyan Vines.
subnet A set of IP addresses that share a common network number, defined either
by the class of the IP address or by a subnet mask.
subnet declaration In the ISC DHCP server configuration file, the definition of
an IP subnet for which the server should manage address assignments.
subnet mask A 32-bit number that identifies which bits of the address make up
the subnet address and which are used as the host address.
subnetting A technique for dividing Class A, B, or C addresses into smaller groups
of IP addresses or subnets that more closely match the addressing requirements for
network segments (see RFC 950, RFC 1878, and RFC 1519).
superscope In the Microsoft DHCP server, a network segment that has been
assigned more than one IP subnet.
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