common kind of category in archeology, and we recognize that pottery types
need to be defined so that each sherd can be placed in one and only one type.
Colors represent another set of categories. We may sort things out as red, blue,
or green. If we find bluish-green things, we may need to add a fourth category
to the set. Categories are sometimes called nominal data. If the categories can
logically be arranged in a specific order, then they form ordinal data or ranks.
Pottery types do not have this property. Categories like large, medium, small,
and tiny do; we recognize that to say small, large, tiny, medium is to put these
categories out of order. If there are very many categories in the set, ranks begin
to act like true measurements in some ways.
The most important distinction between kinds of data for the organiza-
tion of thoughts in this book is between what we will call measurements
and categories, but we will also consider some special treatments that can be
applied to ranks—treatments that relate strongly to things we can do with true
cumbersome and tells us virtually nothing about patterns. In an instance like this,
we would much more likely present the information as a tabulation, and that is what
we will do shortly. It is often convenient to manage categorical information in the
manner in which it is presented in Table
6.1, however, especially with computers.
Thus it is important to recognize Table
6.1 as one means of organizing the same
information we will see in more familiar form in the following tables. Table
is the most complete and detailed way of recording this information and the most
similar to the way in which batches of measurements were initially presented in
previous chapters.
6.2 presents the information about where the sherds were recovered in a
more compact, familiar, and meaningful way. This simple tabulation of frequencies
(or counts)andproportions (or percentages) immediately tells us something about
how much pottery came from where – something that was not at all apparent in
6.1. More pottery came from Oak Grove than any other site and less from
Maple Knoll. Table
6.3 performs the same task for the information about decoration
for the same 140 sherds. Most of the sherds are unincised, but the difference in
proportions between incised and unincised is not extreme.
In effect, Table
6.1 contains sets of related batches, like the related batches that
have been discussed in previous chapters. In this case, we could divide the sherds
into three related batches, as in Table
6.2: sherds from the Oak Grove site, sherds
from the Maple Knoll site, and sherds from the Cypress Swamp site. Or we could
divide them in a different way into two related batches, as in Table
sherds and unincised sherds. Each set of categories is simply one way of dividing
the whole set of sherds into different batches. We might well want to compare the
first three batches (the sherds from each of the three sites) in regard to the other
set of categories (incised decoration). Table
6.4 extends the tabulations of Tables6.2
and 6.3 to accomplish this comparative goal, by simultaneously dividing the sherds