point pair (it is a nice puzzle to construct its location), but there is nothing irregular about
the intersection itself. Here is the take-home message of all this visualization:
In the confor mal model of a 2-D Euclidean space, intersecting circles is identical to
intersecting offset planes in a space of one more dimension (the ∞-dimension). In
yet one more dimension (the o-dimension), this is identical to inters ecting subspaces
through the origin. Therefore, the
meet of origin blades in the conformal model is
effectively circle intersection.
We hope this visualization helps you understand slightly better where those two extra
dimensions come from, and why flat elements through the origin of the representational
(its blades) can represent round elements in the Euclidean space E
The Voronoi diagram of a set of points is a graph that partitions space into the parts closest
to each of them, as in the base plane in Figure 14.7. In computational geometry literature
[12], an interesting construction is made that turns the computation of a Voronoi diagram
of a set of points into computing a convex hull of a properly constructed polyhedron in
a space of one more dimension, projected down. The polyhedron is made up of parts of
tangent planes of lifts of the original points to a paraboloid set up in the extra dimension.
This paraboloid construction is usually presented as a special clever trick, and not used
in other algorithms. We will show that it is essentially the conformal model, and there-
fore much more widely applicable than is usually appreciated. Let us analyze the Voronoi
construction in more detail, making full use of the convenient metric that the conformal
model dictates for the extension of the Euclidean base space
to R
We have just seen how points are mapped to the paraboloid in the conformal model
construction and how we can use a homogeneous model in the resulting space to con-
sider the tangent planes. Now consider two points P and Q of the Euclidean base space,
lifted to the paraboloid as p and q. If we want to determine which points are closer to
one than the other, the separation line between those is the perpendicular bisector, which
is the line dually represented as p−q in the conformal model. In the paraboloid represen-
tation, this line can be made by intersecting the tangent planes to p and q. We show this
in two steps: first, since the tangent planes are dually represented by p and q, their
is Λ=(p ∧ q)
. To find what this line in our model represents, we need to turn it into
a plane stretching to infinity, and intersect that with the 2-D Euclidean base space. The
plane is ∞∧Λ=∞∧(p ∧ q)
= (∞(p ∧ q))
= (p − q)
. The intersection with the
base plane gives (p − q)(o ∧ I
∧∞) = (p − q)
, consistent with our assumption that
this line was dually represented by p − q.
These perpendicular bisectors of point connections are the carriers of potential edges of
the Voronoi diagrams in
. We still need to select those among them that are actually