Chapter 6
Harmonic Oscillator
1 Introduction
It is well known that the quantum harmonic oscillator is analog of the classical
harmonic oscillator. It is one of the most important model systems in quantum me-
chanics. There are several reasons for its pivotal role. First, it represents one of few
quantum mechanical systems for which the simple exact solutions are known. Sec-
ond, as in classical mechanics, a wide variety of physical situations can be reduced
to it either exactly or approximately. In particular, more complicated quantum sys-
tems can always be analyzed in terms of normal modes—formally equivalent to
harmonic oscillators—of motion whenever the interaction forces are linear func-
tions of the relative displacements. Therefore, it is not surprising that the harmonic
oscillator has become very important for the quantum mechanical treatment of such
physical problems as the vibrations of individual atoms in molecules and in crystals,
in which the linear harmonic oscillator describes vibrations in molecules and their
counterparts in solids, the phonons. Third, the most eminent role of the harmonic
oscillator is its linkage to the boson, one of the conceptual building blocks of mi-
croscopic physics. For example, bosons describe the modes of the electromagnetic
field, providing the basis for its quantization. Even though the linear harmonic os-
cillator may represent rather non-elementary objects like a solid and a molecule, it
provides a window into the most elementary structure of the physical world. The
most likely reason for this connection with fundamental properties of matter is that
the harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian is symmetric in momentum and position, both
operators appearing as quadratic terms. On the other hand, the harmonic oscillator
also provides the key to the quantum theory of the electromagnetic field, whose vi-
brations in a cavity can be analyzed into harmonic normal modes, each of which has
energy levels of the harmonic oscillator type.
This Chapter is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we first study exact solutions of
harmonic oscillator in arbitrary dimensions. Section 3 is devoted to the recurrence
relations for the radial wavefunction. We shall show the realization of dynamic al-
gebra su(1, 1) in Sect. 4. In Sect. 5 we carry out the generalized harmonic oscillator
named the pseudoharmonic oscillator, whose exact solutions, ladder operators and
S.-H. Dong, Wave Equations in Higher Dimensions,
DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1917-0_6, © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011