Water CyCle and Water resourCes
Less water trapped in ice means that more water winds up in the
other reservoirs, such as the atmosphere, streams and lakes, and the
oceans. Generally, the water cycle is becoming more extreme: Wet
regions are becoming wetter, and dry regions are becoming drier.
Europe is wetter and is experiencing increased runoff and stream
flow. The United States has weathered a 20% increase in blizzards
and heavy rainstorms since 1900; the total amount of winter precipi-
tation is up 10%.
By contrast, dry areas have more than doubled in size since the
970s. Arid and semiarid regions, such as Africa’s Sahel, are expe-
riencing increased drought. Reduced rainfall in the southwestern
United States has lowered Colorado River flow to less than it was in
he Dust Bowl years of the mid-1930s. For five millennia, the Hamoun
wetlands, covering 1,500 square miles (4,000 sq. km) and containing
ample water, fish, and game, were a place of refuge for the people of
Central Asia. The removal of water for irrigation before it could enter
the wetlands, coupled with intense droughts, turned the area into a
region of salt flats in 2002.
Warmer air has increased the temperature of surface water in the
Northern Hemisphere’s lakes and rivers by about 0.3 to 3.6°F (0.2 to
2°C) since the 1960s. The ice on large lakes and rivers in the mid and
high latitudes now freezes nine days later, breaks up 10 days earlier,
and is thinner and less extensive than in the past. In some East Afri-
can lakes, deep water has also warmed, which can affect deep aquatic
life. This trend will likely be seen in other lakes.
Warmer temperatures change the thermal structure of lakes. A
warm surface layer is not dense enough to sink, so its ability to mix
with the colder deeper layers is reduced. This keeps oxygen out of the
deep layers of the lake and causes aquatic life to suffer. Water qual-
ity also decreases in the lake surface (where most organisms live) as
solids, salts, and pollutants collect and are no longer mixed throughout
the lake.
Rivers are also experiencing changes due to rising temperatures.
Due to shorter winters, snow melts earlier in spring, and river flow