Related titles:
Tribology and dynamics of engine and powertrain: fundamentals, applications and future
(ISBN 978-1-84569-361-9)
Tribology, the science of friction, wear and lubrication, is one of the cornerstones of engineering’s
quest for effi ciency and conservation of resources. Tribology and dynamics of engine and
powertrain: fundamentals, applications and future trends provides an authoritative and
comprehensive overview of the disciplines of dynamics and tribology using a multi-physics and
multi-scale approach to improve automotive engine and powertrain technology. Part I reviews
the fundamental aspects of the physics of motion, particularly the multi-body approach to
multi-physics, multi-scale problem solving in tribology. Fundamental issues in tribology are
then described in detail, from surface phenomena in thin-fi lm tribology, to impact dynamics,
fl uid fi lm and elastohydrodynamic lubrication means of measurement and evaluation. These
chapters provide an understanding of the theoretical foundation for Part II which includes
many aspects of the physics of motion at a multitude of interaction scales from large
displacement dynamics to noise and vibration tribology, all of which affect engines and
powertrains. Many chapters are contributed by well-established practitioners disseminating
their valuable knowledge and expertise on specifi c engine and powertrain sub-systems. These
include overviews of engine and powertrain issues, engine bearings, piston systems, valve
trains, transmission and many aspects of drivetrain systems. The fi nal part of the book considers
the emerging areas of microengines and gears as well as nano-scale surface engineering.
Tribology of natural fi ber polymer composites
(ISBN 978-1-84569-393-0)
Tribology of natural fi ber polymer composites examines the availability and processing of
natural fi ber composites and their structural, thermal, mechanical and tribological properties. It
explores sources of natural fi bers, their extraction and surface modifi cation as well as properties
of chemically modifi ed natural fi bers. It provides an overview of the tribology of polymer
composites and the role of fi ber reinforcement and fi lters in modifying tribological composites.
Solving tribology problems in rotating machines
(ISBN 978-1-84569-110-3)
Solving tribology problems in rotating machines is an essential reference for engineers involved
in the design and operation of rotating machines in such sectors as power generation, electrical
and automotive engineering. Bearings are widely used in rotating machines. Understanding
the factors affecting their reliability and service life is essential in ensuring good machine
design and performance. Solving tribology problems in rotating machines reviews these factors
and their implications for improved machine performance. The fi rst two chapters review ways
of assessing the performance and reliability of rolling-element bearings. The author then goes
on to discuss key performance problems and the factors affecting bearing reliability. There are
chapters on cage and roller slip, and particular types of failure in equipment such as alternators,
condensers and pumps. The author also reviews the effects of such factors as localised electrical
currents, seating, clearance, grades of lubricant, axial forces, vibration on performance and
service life. The book concludes by reviewing ways of improving bearing design.
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