pre/post-difference in frequency indicated that these 15 patients experienced an average of 5.27
fewer frequency episodes per day after treatment with BTX-B. The p value for the test was
less than 0.001.
36. Recall the study reported in Exercise 6.10.2 in which Horesh et al. (A-42) investigated suicidal
behavior among adolescents. In addition to impulsivity, the researchers studied hopelessness among
the 33 subjects in the suicidal group and the 32 subjects in the nonsuicidal group. The means for
the two groups on the Beck Hopelessness Scale were 11.6 and 5.2, respectively, and the t value
for the test was 5.13.
37. Mauksch et Al. (A-43) surveyed 500 consecutive patients (ages 18 to 64 years) in a primary care
clinic serving only uninsured, low-income patients. They used self-report questions about why
patients were coming to the clinic, and other tools to classify subjects as either having or not hav-
ing major mental illness. Compared with patients without current major mental illness, patients
with a current major mental illness reported significantly more concerns, chronic ill-
nesses, stressors, forms of maltreatment, and physical symptoms.
38. A study by Hosking et al. (A-44) was designed to compare the effects of alendronate and rise-
dronate on bone mineral density (BMD). One of the outcome measures was the percent increase
in BMD at 12 months. Alendronate produced a significantly higher percent change (4.8 percent)
in BMD than risedronate (2.8 percent) with a p value .
39. For each of the following situations, identify the type I and type II errors and the correct actions.
(a) A new treatment is not more effective than the traditional one.
(1) Adopt the new treatment when the new one is more effective.
(2) Continue with the traditional treatment when the new one is more effective.
(3) Continue with the traditional treatment when the new one is not more effective.
(4) Adopt the new treatment when the new one is not more effective.
(b) A new physical therapy procedure is satisfactory.
(1) Employ a new procedure when it is unsatisfactory.
(2) Do not employ a new procedure when it is unsatisfactory.
(3) Do not employ a new procedure when it is satisfactory.
(4) Employ a new procedure when it is satisfactory.
(c) A production run of a drug is of satisfactory quality.
(1) Reject a run of satisfactory quality.
(2) Accept a run of satisfactory quality.
(3) Reject a run of unsatisfactory quality.
(4) Accept a run of unsatisfactory quality.
For each of the studies described in Exercises 40 through 55, do the following:
(a) Perform a statistical analysis of the data (including hypothesis testing and confidence interval
construction) that you think would yield useful information for the researchers.
(b) State all assumptions that are necessary to validate your analysis.
(c) Find p values for all computed test statistics.
(d) Describe the population(s) about which you think inferences based on your analysis would be
40. A study by Bell (A-45) investigated the hypothesis that alteration of the vitamin D–endocrine sys-
tem in blacks results from reduction in serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and that the alteration is reversed
by oral treatment with 25-hydroxyvitamin D
. The eight subjects (three men and five women) were
studied while on no treatment (control) and after having been given 25-hydroxyvitamin D
for 7 days
6 .001
1p 6 .0012