structure. The interest coverage ratios, for instance, are based upon operating income and
not EBITDA. While it is true that depreciation and amortization are non-cash expenses
and should be added back to cash flows, it is dangerous for a firm with ongoing
operations to depend upon the cashflows generated by these items to service debt
payments. After all, firms with high depreciation and amortization expenses usually have
high ongoing capital expenditures. If the cash inflows from depreciation and amortization
are redirected to make interest payments, the reinvestment made by firms will be
insufficient to generate future growth or to maintain existing assets.
Normalized Operating Income
A key input that drives the optimal capital
structure is the current operating income. If this
income is depressed, either because the firm is a
cyclical firm or because there are firm-specific
factors that are expected to be temporary, the
optimal debt ratio that will emerge from the
analysis will be much lower than the firm’s true
optimal. For example, automobile manufacturing firms would have had very low debt
ratios if the optimal debt ratios had been computed based upon the operating income in
2001 and 2002, which were recession years. If the drop in operating income is
permanent, however, this lower optimal debt ratio is, in fact, the correct estimate.
When evaluating a firm with depressed current operating income, we must first
decide whether the drop in income is temporary or permanent. If the drop is temporary,
we must estimate the normalized operating income for the firm. The normalized
operating income is an estimate of how much the firm would earn in a normal year, i.e., a
year without the specific events that are depressing earnings this year. Most analysts
normalize earnings by taking the average earnings over a period of time (usually 5 years).
mgnroc.xls: There is a dataset on the web that summarizes operating margins
and returns on capital by industry group in the United States for the most recent quarter.
Normalized Income: This is a
measure of the income that a firm can
make in a normal year, where there are no
extraordinary gains or losses either from
firm-specific factors (such as write offs
and one-time sales) or macro economic
factors (such as recessions and economic