largest stockholder in Daimler Chrysler, the German automobile company, and Allianz,
the German insurance company, is the largest stockholder in Deutsche.
In Practice: Is there a payoff to better corporate governance?
While academics and activist investors are understandably enthused by moves
towards giving stockholders more power over managers, a practical question that is often
not answered is what the payoff to better corporate governance is. Are companies where
stockholders have more power over managers managed better and run more efficiently?
If so, are they more valuable? While no individual study can answer these significant
questions, there are a number of different strands of research that offer some insight:
• In the most comprehensive study of the effect of corporate governance on value, a
governance index was created for each of 1500 firms based upon 24 distinct
corporate governance provisions.
Buying stocks that had the strongest investor
protections while simultaneously selling shares with the weakest protections
generated an annual excess return of 8.5%. Every one point increase in the index
towards fewer investor protections decreased market value by 8.9% in 1999 and
firms that scored high in investor protections also had higher profits, higher sales
growth and made fewer acquisitions. These findings are echoed in studies on
firms in Korea
and Germany
• Actions that restrict hostile takeovers generally reduce stockholder power by
taking away one of the most potent weapons available against indifferent
management. In 1990, Pennsylvania considered passing a state law that would
have protected incumbent managers against hostile takeovers by allowing them to
override stockholder interests if other stakeholders were adversely impacted. In
Gompers, P.A., J.L. Ishii and A. Metrick, 2003, Corporate Governance and Equity Prices, Quarterly
Journal of Economics, v118, 107-155. The data for the governance index was obtained from the Investor
Responsibility Research Center which tracks the corporate charter provisions for hundreds of firms.
Black, B.S., H. Jang and W. Kim, 2003, Does Corporate Governance affect Firm Value? Evidence from
Korea, Stanford Law School Working Paper.
Drobetz, W., 2003, Corporate Governance: Legal Fiction or Economic Reality, Working Paper,
University of Basel.