48 2 Introduction to Factory Models
Fig. 2.2 Representation of a
factory structure containing
workstations and j ob flow
1 2
than one machine at a time is a realistic situation; however, the impact of operator
availability on the total system cycle time and throughput should be second-order
effects given a reasonable level of operator capacity. For those readers interested in
this extension we suggest [ 1] for further reading. In a general manufacturing context,
workstations are sometimes made up of several different machine types called cells
where these machines are gathered together for the purpose of performing several
distinct processing steps at one physical location. Again, a more restricted defini-
tion of this concept is used herein, where the workstation term specifically implies
a location consisting of one or more identical machines. In order to model a cell
type workstation, one would need to combine several single-machine workstations
A processing step for a job consists of a specific machine or workstation and the
processing time (possibly processing time distribution) for the step. After processing
steps have been defined they are organized into routes.
Definition 2.5. The sequence of processing steps for a job is called its routing. Jobs
with identical routings are said to be of the same job type; thus, different job types
are jobs with different routings.
The characteristics of all the job routings determine the organization of a manu-
facturing facility that is used to produce these jobs. If there is a unique routing, then
an assembly line could be used within the factory given a high enough throughput
rate. When there are only a few routings (a low diversity of job types) with each
routing visiting a workstation at most one time, then the factory is referred to as a
flow shop. When there are a large number of different job routings (a high diversity
of jobs types) so that jobs visit workstations with no apparent structure, seemingly
random, then the factory is referred to as a job shop. In a job shop, a given job
type can visit the same workstation several times for different processing opera-
tions. In practice, many factories fall somewhere between these two extremes so
that there may be characteristics of both flow shops and job shops within one facil-
ity. The methodologies that are developed will allow the analysis of all these various
configurations. It will seem, due to the sequential manner in which the methodolo-
gies are developed, that there is a one-to-one correspondence between workstations
and processing steps. However, as the models get more complex, routing steps and
workstations will not have a one-to-one correspondence because a given worksta-
tion could be visited in several processing steps within the same job routing. This
type of routing is called re-entrant flow, and requires more careful analysis in that
machine loads are developed over job types and multiple processing steps within
each routing.
Diagrams used t o illustrate the nature of a modeled system will omit the system
level structure and emphasize the internal structure of the model itself. The level of