314 9 Serial Limited Buffer Models
The 10 exchanges with the second workstation (12 minus two duplicates exchanges
with workstation one) are
{4,5,5,3,3,2,3},{4,5,5,3,3,3,2} .
This process is continued until all exchanges have been made and evaluated. There
are a total of 42 pair-wise exchanges and throughput-rate evaluations in this cycle.
The highest throughput rate was 0.51529/hr for configuration {3,4,5, 3,3,3, 4}.Us-
ing this configuration now as the base point, the process (cycle) is repeated. The
cycle results are shown in Table 9.9. Note that the cycle process is continued until
Table 9.9 Cycle results from first pass for Example 9.2
Cycle Throughput CT Configuration
0 {4,4, 5,3,3, 3,3}
1 0.51529 38.313 {3, 4,5,3, 3,3,4}
2 0.52834 36.255 {2, 4,5,3, 3,4,4}
3 0.53703 34.712 {2, 3,5,3, 3,5,4}
4 0.54499 32.104 {2, 2,5,3, 3,5,5}
5 0.55235 31.395 {2, 2,4,3, 4,5,5}
6 0.55546 30.058 {2, 2
,3, 3,4,6, 5}
7 0.55546 30.058 {2, 2,3,3, 4,6,5}
the same s olution is repeated (for Cycles 6 and 7). The local maximum through-
put of 0.55546/hr is obtained on the sixth cycle and the seventh cycle is needed to
determine that this point is a local maximum.
The resulting configuration {2, 2,3,3, 4,6,5} is a local maximum with a through-
put rate of 0.55546/hr. The restart process initiates from this configuration with the
incumbent throughput rate set to zero. The cycle results for the second pass of the
search process are shown in Table 9.10.
Table 9.10 Cycle results from second pass for Example 9.2
Cycle Throughput CT Configuration
0 {2,2, 3,3,4, 6,5}
1 0.55536 27.935 {1, 2,3,3, 5,6,5}
2 0.55575 29.162 {1, 2,3,4, 5,5,5}
3 0.55585 27.790 {1, 2,3,4, 4,5,6}
4 0.55585 27.790 {1, 2,3,4, 4,5,6}
Repeating t he restart process a third time results in no improvement. Thus, the
search procedure is terminated with a (hopefully global) maximum throughput of
0.55585/hr. The optimal 25 buffer space allocation f or this seven-workstation prob-
lem is the configuration {1,2,3,4,4,5,6}. The whole search process started from