Index 309
Stewart, Esme, duke of Lennox 149
Stoke, battle of 33
Stokesley, John 71
Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, earl of 234, 256,
subpoenas 18, 41, 50–2, 186
subsidies 81, 82
Suffolk, earl of 37
Supplication against the ordinaries 65
Supremacy in religion
as parliamentary 70, 72–5, 78,
Coke on 209
in Scotland 157
positive appeal 62–3, 119
under Charles 174, 253–5, 256
under Elizabeth 115–16, 128, 144, 145
under Henry 55–6, 63–6, 68–9, 70–5, 124,
136, 174
under James 166
under Mary 91
surplice 120, 131, 134, 136
Sutcliffe, Matthew 137
Tacitus 155
Tadkow, George 88
Temple, the 141–2
Inner 35
Middle 111, 112
Theodore of Tarsus 78
Therouanne 81
Thorne, Samuel 103
Thorpe, Serjeant 268
Thucydides 237–64
tithes 43, 60, 127, 168, 235
Tournai 81
Traquair, earl of 250
Travers, Walter 141–2
treason 6, 82, 91, 137, 260
Norfolk trial 95
statutes 82, 95, 258
Strafford trial 257–9
Treatise concerning statutes 183–4, 207, 212, 214,
Tr evor-Roper, Hugh 249
Trinity College, Cambridge 136
Tunnage and Poundage 223–4, 231
Tunstall, Cuthbert 59, 63, 68, 72, 76, 120
Tyndale, William 67–8
uses 19, 45–6, 53, 188
Ussher, James 173
Vane, Sir Harry 273
Venice 111
observers from 33, 36, 37, 43, 59, 92
Vergil, Polydore 111, 197
Vindiciae contra tyrannos 128
Vives, Juan Luis 59
Waller, Edmund 252, 257
Walmsley, Thomas 189
Walter, Sir William 224
wardship 19
Warham, William 59, 60
Wentworth, Peter 190
Westminster Assembly 263
Whig historians 159
Whigs 118
Whitaker, William 132
White, Francis 173, 242
Whitelocke, James 202, 241
Whitgift, John
as administrator 126, 142, 165, 176
as thinker 135–7, 140, 141, 146, 163
Defence of the answer 118
William I 104, 112, 196, 197, 209, 228
Williams, John 241, 253, 260
Willions v. Berkeley 110
Winchester, William Paulet, marquess of 96
Wolsey, Thomas 32, 44–5, 46, 47, 49–50, 59, 62,
70, 255
Worcester, William 5, 35, 39
Wriothesley, Thomas 101
Year Books
character and doctrines 10, 11, 19, 48, 50, 100,
cited 208, 227
printing 41, 182
Yelverton, Justice 19–20, 186, 189
York, Richard, duke of 6–7, 39
York House 241
Ypres 70
Zwingli, Ulrich 135