Protons, which carry the positive charge, have been favourites for
over 50 years as they pack a big punch. However, electrons have
some special advantages and much of our present knowledge about
the structure of atomic nuclei, and even the protons and neutrons
from which they are made, is the result of experiments using
electron beams.
Radioactivity in the form of beta decay emits electrons – the ‘beta’
radiation – which could be used to probe atomic structure. However,
such electrons have energies of only a few MeV, as was the case for
alpha particles, and so suffer the same limitations: they allow us to
see a nucleus like the alpha can, but cannot resolve the inner
structure of the nucleus. The key to progress was to ionize atoms,
liberating one or more of their electrons, and then accelerate the
accumulated electron beam by means of electric fields. By the 1950s
in Stanford, California, beams with energies of 100 MeV to 1 GeV per
electron began to resolve distances approaching 10
m. The
electrons scattered from the protons and neutrons began to reveal
evidence of a deeper layer of structure within those nuclear particles.
Such experiments showed that the neutron, though electrically
neutral overall, has magnetic effects and other features suggesting
there is charge within it, positive and negative counterbalancing
somehow, as had been the case in atoms. Protons too were found to
have a finite size, extending over a distance of order 10
m. Once it
was established that protons are not point particles, the question
arose as to how the charge of a proton is distributed within its size.
Such questions are reminiscent of what had happened years before
in the case of atoms, and the answers came by similar experiments.
In the case of the atom, its hard nuclear core was revealed by the
scattering of alpha particles; in the case of the proton, it would be
beams of high-energy electrons that would give the answer.
It was the 3-km-long linear accelerator of electrons at Stanford that
in 1968 took the first clean look inside the atomic nucleus and
discovered that what we know as protons and neutrons are actually
little spheres of swarming ‘quarks’.
Particle Physics