productive travel time and the interruptions of the general offi ce environment.
One current problem is that staff productivity is declining in part due to inter-
ruptions of the offi ce environment; a diffi culty that the proposal deals with.
Reduced employee costs. Thanks to the communication technology proposed
teams can be constituted regardless of geography and time zones with mini-
mal need for extra travel. Additionally employees can be recruited without need
for relocation expenses being paid. The staff fl exibility offered by the proposal
means peaks and troughs in workload can be managed by individuals, possibly
reducing the need for overtime payments.
However, some balance should be struck. There are two main reasons why these
gains might not be completely realised:
1 The anticipated improved productivity gains may be diffi cult short term, partic-
ularly as staff adjust to their new working arrangements. This will at best mean
an adverse cash fl ow, (when new equipment is purchased), at worst a failure to
realise suffi cient effi ciency gains to fi nance the outlay.
2 There is a requirement for a high investment in new technology which could
lead to costly one off investments in email, webcams and teleconferencing in
employee’s homes where economies of scale offered by a traditional working
environment do not apply. As technological developments occur this technol-
ogy may become dated and will therefore store up a requirement for expensive
system/technology upgrade in the future.
HR gains
Improved motivation through more independent work arrangements. Potentially
at least the proposals could be a source of motivation, as staff would be given
much greater autonomy to structure their own working arrangements. Some
employees may respond well to the trust and confi dence that ARi9 management
have put in them. Alternatively others may not, and the lack of structure offered
by a physical environment and human interaction may be demotivating.
Potentially, the proposals can enable people in an area of high unemployment
and people with disabilities to have access to work opportunities. This may help
the organisation meet the Government’s suggested quota for employment of
people with disabilities.
Retention of skills base. ARi9 are loosing talented staff that take career breaks or
maternity leave and never return. Under the proposals those employees who
might otherwise leave can remain in their jobs, continue to work part time and
remain up to date with the business and its methods. Those taking maternity
leave can continue to undertake assignments arranging work around their other
commitments. Once they return to work full time they will require less retrain-
ing and reorientation.
Organisational fl exibility. Staff can continue to work without disruption to their
personal lives, irrespective of external factors such as offi ce moves or transport
diffi culties. They can still operate in ‘virtual’ teams that can be easily reconfi g-
ured in response to their clients’ changing requirements.
Improved customer responsiveness. Clients should be better served and staff more
productive thanks to a reduction in travel time and more fl exible working hours.
If properly managed these factors should suit both the member of staff and the