Chapter 11: Analytic Capacity and the Cauchy Kernel
on r. Let us call E1 the set of points of E\I' the lie in a ball centered on r
where we decided to stop the modifications of I' in the construction because
the density of E on that ball was too small. We can cover El by a collection
of such balls B; such that the B;/10 are disjoint, and then ia(E,) is much less
than the sum of the radii of the Bi, which is controlled by the length of F.
Thus E1 is as small as we want (depending on the density threshold).
The second type of points of E\I' are the points around which the con-
struction of r may have continued forever, but which are a little off I' and
which were never added as new points because the density near them is too
small. These points may exist when E looks like a line plus a thin mist
around it. Then the curve IF will simply go through the line, and we shall
miss the mist. We have to control the total amount of E that evaporates
into mist.
The most interesting case for this estimate is the case of points x E E
with the following properties. Let d denote the distance from x to r. Suppose
that the density of E in the ball B(x, d/10) is very small, but the density of
E in the ball B(x,10d) is not too small. Also suppose that #2(x, 10d) is very
small, so that there is a line L such that most of the points of EnB(x, 10d) lie
very close to L. Finally, assume that r crosses B(x,10d) and that I'fl(x,10d)
stays quite close to the line L. (The other cases can somehow be treated by
the way the curve F is constructed, and the estimates are not too interesting
for this lecture, in the sense that they only use estimates where the density
is not too small.)
Because µ(E fl B(x,10d)) is not too small (and (11.21) holds), we can
find reasonably many pairs (y, z) of points of E n B(x,10d) such that y, z lie
very close to L and ly - zI is not too small. Since dist(x, L) > d/2 because
r fl B(x,10d) stays close to L, we get that c(x, y, z) > (Cd)-1 for all those
pairs (y, z). Then the contribution of the point x to the integral in (11.24)
is > C-1. This tells us that the total mass of the points of E of this type is
controlled by (11.24), and thus is as small as we want (depending on e).
This ends our rough sketch of proof. Of course the details of the con-
struction are slightly more painful than this.
Remark. This last part of the proof is the only one where we have to use
curvature (as opposed to the numbers /31(x, r) on balls B(x, r) where the
density is not too small, and where the curvature indeed controls /31(x, r)).
Also, in the main lemma, the triples (x, y, z) E E3 are not all needed, but
only those were Ix - yl, Jy- zI and Ix - zl are all comparable (with a constant
that depends on the regularity constant in (11.21)).
As we explained before, a variant of Theorem 11.12 holds in higher di-
mension, with the curvature c(x, y, z) replaced with a function of d+ 1 points
of E that measures the distance of one of them to the d-plane that passes
through the other ones (d is the dimension of E). See [17].