144 Selected Cash and Derivative Instruments
= the ith price relative
µ = the arithmetic mean of the observed prices
R = the total number of observations
σ = volatility of the price returns
The volatility value derived by (8.10) may be converted to an annualized
fi gure by multiplying it by the square root of the number of days in a year,
usually taken to be 250 working days. Using this formula based on market
observations, it is possible to calculate the historical volatility of an asset.
In pricing an option that expires in the future, however, the relevant
factor is not historical but future volatility, which, by defi nition, cannot
be measured directly. Market makers get around this problem by reversing
the process that derives option prices from volatility and other parameters.
Given an option price, they calculate the implied volatility. The implied
volatilities of options that are either deeply in or deeply out of the money
tend to be high.
The Black-Scholes Option Model
Most option pricing models use one of two methodologies, both of which
are based on essentially identical assumptions. The fi rst method, used in
the Black-Scholes model, resolves the asset-price model’s partial differential
equation corresponding to the expected payoff of the option. The second is
the martingale method, fi rst introduced in Harrison and Kreps (1979) and
Harrison and Pliska (1981). This derives the price of an asset at time 0
from its discounted expected future payoffs assuming risk-neutral prob-
ability. A third methodology assumes lognormal distribution of asset re-
turns but follows the two-step binomial process described in chapter 11.
Employing pricing models requires the assumption of a complete
market. First proposed in Arrow and Debreu (1953, 1954), this is a
viable fi nancial market where no-arbitrage pricing holds—that is, risk-free
profi ts cannot be generated because of anomalies such as incorrect forward
interest rates. This means that a zero-cost investment strategy that is initi-
ated at time t will have a zero value at maturity. The martingale method
assumes that an accurate estimate of the future price of an asset may be
obtained from current price information. This property of future prices is
also incorporated in the semistrong and strong market effi ciency scenarios
described in Fama (1965).