September 27, 2004 16:46 WSPC/Book Trim Size for 9.75in x 6.5in GlobalAttractors/chapter 1
22 Global Attractors of Non-autonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems
Proof. This statement follows from Theorem 1.11 and Lemma 1.18.
Theorem 1.12 For the dynamical system (X, T, π) to be compact dissipative, it is
necessary and sufficient that there exists a nonempty compact set K ⊆ X satisfying
the condition: for every ε > 0 and x ∈ X, there exist δ(ε, x) > 0 and l(ε, x) > 0
such that
B(x, δ(ε, x)) ⊆ B(K, ε) (1.24)
for all t ≥ l(ε, x).
Proof. Let (X, T, π) be compact dissipative, J be its center of Levinson, ε > 0 and
x ∈ X. According to Theorem 1.6 J is orbital stable. Denote by γ(ε) > 0 a number
defined by ε out of the condition of orbital stability of J. The set J is globally
asymptotically stable, hence for x ∈ X and γ(ε) > 0 there exists l(ε, x) such that
xt ∈ B(J, γ) for all t ≥ l(ε, x). Since B(J, γ) is open, there exists α = α(ε, x) > 0
for which B(π(x, l(ε, x)), α) ⊆ B(J, γ). By virtue of continuity of the mapping
π(l(ε, x), ·) : X −→ X for all x ∈ X and α > 0, there exists δ = δ(ε, x) > 0 such
π(l(ε, x), B(x, δ)) ⊆ B(π(l(ε, x), x), α). (1.25)
From the inclusion (1.25) and by the choice of γ we have π
B(x, δ) ⊆ B(J, ε) for all
t ≥ l(ε, x).
Let now K ⊆ X be a nonempty compact satisfying the condition (1.24). If ε > 0
and M is a nonempty compact from X, then for every x ∈ M there exist δ(ε, x) > 0
and l(ε, x) > 0 such that (1.24) holds. Consider open covering {B(x, δ(ε, x)) | x ∈
M} of the set M. By virtue of compactness of M and of the completeness of the
space X we can extract from this covering a finite sub-covering {B(x
, δ(ε, x
)) | i ∈
1, n}. Assume L(ε, M) := max{l(ε, x
) | i = 1, n}. From (1.24) follows that π
M ⊆
B(K, ε) for all t ≥ L(ε, M ). The theorem is proved.
Theorem 1.13 Let (X, T, π) be point dissipative. For (X, T, π) to be compact
dissippative it is necessary and sufficient that there exists a nonempty compact set
M possessing the following properties:
(1) Ω ⊆ M ;
(2) M is orbital stable.
In this case J ⊆ M where J is the center of Levinson of (X, T, π).
Proof. Necessity of the conditions of the theorem is obvious. To prove the formu-
lated statement it is enough to show the sufficiency of the conditions (1) and (2).
Reasoning in the same way as in the first part of Theorem 1.12 we establish that