September 27, 2004 16:46 WSPC/Book Trim Size for 9.75in x 6.5in GlobalAttractors/chapter 13
430 Global Attractors of Non-autonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems
that is, the family of equations
= B(t)v , (13.57)
where B ∈ H(A) :=
: τ ∈ R}, A
(t) = A(t + τ ) (t ∈ R) and the bar denotes
closure in C(R, Λ). Let ϕ(t, u, B) be the solution of equation (13.57) that satis-
fies the condition ϕ(0, v, B) = v. We put Y := H(A) and denote the dynamical
system of shifts on H(A) by (Y, R, σ), then the triple h(X, R
, π), (Y, R, σ), hi is a
linear non-autonomous dynamical system, where X := E × Y, π := (ϕ, σ) ( i.e.
π(τ, (v, B)) := (ϕ(τ, v, B), B
) and h := pr
: X → Y. Applying Theorem 13.15 to
this system, we obtain the following assertion.
Theorem 13.16 Let A ∈ C(R, Λ) be recurrent (i.e. H(A) is compact minimal
set of (C(R, Λ), R, σ) ) and the zero solution of equation (13.56) and all equation
(13.57) are asymptotically stable, i.e. lim
|ϕ(t, v, B)| = 0 for all v ∈ E and
B ∈ H(A). Then the zero solution of equation (13.56) is uniformly stable, i.e. there
exists M ≥ 0 such that |ϕ(t, v, B)| ≤ M|v| for all t ≥ 0, v ∈ E and B ∈ H(A).
Proof. According to Lemma 2
the mapping B 7→ ϕ(t, ·, B) from H(A) into [E]
is continuous for all t ∈ R. To finish the proof of the theorem it suffices to refer to
Theorem 13.14.
Linear Partial differential equations. Let Λ be some complete metric
space of linear closed operators acting into Banach space E ( for example Λ =
+ B|B ∈ [E]}, where A
is a closed operator that acts on E). We assume that
the following conditions are fulfilled for equation (13.56) and its H− class (13.57):
a. for any v ∈ E and B ∈ H(A) equation (13.57) has exactly one solution that is
defined on R
and satisfies the condition ϕ(0, v, B) = v;
b. the mapping ϕ : (t, v, B) → ϕ(t, v, B) is continuous in the topology of R
E × C(R; Λ);
c. for every t ∈ R
the mapping U(t, ·) : H(A) → [E] is continuous, where U(t, ·)
is the Cauchy’s operator of equation (13.57), i.e. U(t, B)v := ϕ(t, v, B) (t ∈
, v ∈ E and ∈H(A) ).
Under the above assumptions the equation (13.56) generates a linear non-
autonomous dynamical system h(X, R
, π), (Y, R, σ), hi, where X = E × Y, π =
(ϕ, σ) and h := pr
: X → Y. Applying Theorem 13.15 to this system, we will
obtain the analogue of Theorem 13.16 for different classes of partial differential
We will consider an example of partial differential equation which satisfies the
above conditions a.-c. Let H be a Hilbert space with a scalar product h·, ·i =
, D(R
, H) be a set of all infinite differentiable and finite into R
functions with
values into H.