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Non-autonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems 97
This last inclusion contradicts (2.93), and this finishes the proof of the fourth
assertion of the theorem.
Let us prove the fifth assertion of the theorem. In order to do it let us notice
that w ∈ I
, if ϕ(t, w, y) is defined on S and ϕ(S, w, y) is relatively compact. In
fact, as w = ϕ(t, ϕ(−t, w, y), y
) for all t ∈ S, then from the equality (2.87) it
follows the inclusion we need. Thus, we get the following description of the set
: I
= {w ∈ W | there exists at least one whole trajectory of hW, ϕ, (Y, S, σ)i,
passing through the point (x, y)}. Now it remains to notice that the Levinson’s
center J is compact and consists of the whole trajectories of (X, S
, π), and, hence,
⊆ I
for all y ∈ Y .
The compactness of the set I it follows from the equality I = pr
J, from com-
pactness of J and from continuity of pr
: X → W .
The last assertion it follows from the next observation: under the conditions of
the theorem Levinson’s center J of the dynamical system (X, S
, π), according to
Corollary 1.11 and Theorem 1.33, is connected. Hence, I, as a continuous image of
a connected set, also is connected. The theorem is completely proved.
Remark 2.8 Theorem 2.24 refines and generalises the main results of
Theorem 2.25 Under the conditions of Theorem 2.24 the following statements
hold true:
(1) w ∈ I
(y ∈ Y ) if and only if there exits a whole trajectory ν : S → W of the
cocycle ϕ, satisfying the following conditions: ν(0) = w and ν(S) is relatively
(2) I
(y ∈ Y ) is connected, if the space W possesses the property (S).
Proof. To prove the first assertion we note that the continuous function ν : S → W
is a whole trajectory of the cocycle hW, ϕ, (Y, S, σ)i if and only if γ = (ν, Id
) is a
whole trajectory of the semi-group dynamical system (X, S, π) ( X = W × Y, π =
(ϕ, σ)). By Lemma 2.16, the dynamical system (X, S, π) is compactly dissipative
and according to Theorem 1.6 the set J is compact and invariant and, consequently,
the point (w, y) = x ∈ J if and only if through the point (w, y) = x passes the whole
trajectory γ = (ν, Id
) of the dynamical system (X, S, π), which belongs to J, i.e.
γ(0) = (ν(0), y) = (w, y) and γ(s) ∈ J for all s ∈ S. To finish the proof of the first
statement of the theorem it is sufficient to cite Theorem 2.24 (item 5.).
To prove the second statement of the theorem we note that under the conditions
of Theorem 2.24 the set I
6= ∅ and is compact. Since the space W possesses the
property (S), then there exists a connected compact V ⊇ I. By (2.86), the following