3.3 Threshold effects 133
open (Baz 1958; Newton, 1959; Meyerhof, 1963). These studies, though
originally motivated by the need to analyse nuclear scattering data, also
apply to the onset of positronium formation, which is then in competition
with elastic scattering. The requirement of the conservation of flux gives
rise to characteristic structures, such as cusps and rounded steps, in the
energy dependence of the elastic scattering cross section close to inelastic
thresholds. General discussions of these features have been given by Mott
and Massey (1965, Chapter 13), McDaniel (1989, Chapter 4) and New-
ton (1982, Chapter 17). The application to the positronium formation
threshold is outlined below.
The first attempt to analyse the behaviour of the elastic scattering cross
section close to the positronium formation threshold energy, E
, was that
of Campeanu et al. (1987) who, as described in section 2.7, undertook a
detailed partitioning of the total cross section, σ
, for positron–helium
scattering. In the energy range between E
and the first positron excita-
tion threshold of the target, at energy E
, these authors determined σ
from the relationship
= σ
− σ
, (3.94)
where they used the total cross sections of Stein et al. (1978) and the
positronium formation cross sections, σ
, of Fromme et al. (1986; see
also section 4.4). Although these experimental data for σ
were sparse in
this energy region, Campeanu et al. (1987) argued that the feature they
deduced in σ
, see the broken curve in Figure 3.12, was genuine. Thus,
they argued that according to these measurements the elastic scattering
cross section exhibits a cusp-like behaviour centred on E
, followed by
a steady fall, as the energy increases to E
, of approximately 20%. A
similar analysis was performed by Fromme et al. (1988), following their
determination of the positronium formation cross section in H
gas; here,
an even bigger effect was found, the elastic scattering cross section at
being lower than its value at E
by around 50%. Thus, for both
helium and H
an important cusp-like feature was deduced in the elastic
scattering cross section in the vicinity of E
In an attempt to explore this interesting energy region further, an ex-
periment was undertaken by Coleman et al. (1992) to determine the elastic
scattering cross section according to equation (3.94), using measurements
of the total and positronium formation cross sections made in the same
apparatus. The apparatus and the method used were similar to those
developed by the Arlington group (e.g. Fornari, Diana and Coleman 1983;
Diana et al., 1986b; see also Figure 4.12 and accompanying discussion).
Positrons from a tungsten-mesh moderator, held at a potential V
, were
guided by an axial magnetic field of approximately 0.01 T through a
system of grids and a localized scattering cell 0.03 m long to a channeltron