452 Index
merging of positron and electron
collision cross sections, 45, 67,
68, 75, 92, 93, 261
partial cross sections, 67, 68, 81
total cross sections, 45, 67, 68, 75,
79, 81, 131
method of models, 114–6, 127, 166
mobility edge, 295
model potentials, 71, 74, 128, 129,
moderators, 16, 19
boron, 51, 53
copper, 54
MgO, 3, 48
solid rare gases, 21
tungsten, 22, 48, 133, 142, 177, 221
momentum transfer cross sections
for positrons, 122, 270, 283, 284,
for positronium, 342, 344, 346, 359
Monte Carlo methods, 200, 201, 253,
258, 283, 295, 312, 380, 382
multiple ionization, 248–51; see also
double ionization
multiple scattering, 223, 224, 290
Onsager radius, 209
optical model, 71, 73, 146
optical potential, 69, 70, 96–8, 103,
109, 132
optical theorem, 44–6, 69, 96, 157
Ore gap, 38, 151, 157, 160, 167–9
Ore model of positronium
formation, 207–12, 347
ortho-positronium, see positronium
pair production, 1
para-positronium, see positronium
partitioning of the total cross
section, 40, 89–93, 133
Penning trap, 274, 374, 375, 382–4
photodetachment of Ps
, 331, 363–5
pick-off quenching, see also quenching
of ortho-positronium, 212, 298,
312, 327, 329, 336, 339–43
pitch angle, 59, 61
polarizability, 39, 100, 117, 171, 266,
polarization interaction, 35, 36, 39,
69, 88, 100, 110–3, 119, 128, 129,
171, 243
polarized-orbital approximation, 47,
69, 71, 74, 86, 92, 98–101, 120,
126, 130, 138, 142, 146, 185, 192
annihilation, see annihilation
impact ionization, see ionization
lifetime spectra, see lifetime
moderation, 17–21; see also
positron beams, 3, 16, 19–26, 313
brightness enhanced, 25, 26, 34,
electrostatically guided, 24–6, 51,
54, 60, 142, 180
magnetically confined, 21–3, 48,
51, 52, 58, 59, 133, 141, 221, 235,
356, 364
positron collisions with atoms and
alkali atoms, 35, 44, 54, 55, 76–9,
122–6, 218, 219, 218, 219
atomic hydrogen, 43, 44, 56, 57,
79–81, 95–113, 131, 132, 137,
138, 152–66, 217, 231–41, 253,
helium, 35, 41, 47, 54, 59, 63–5,
68, 69, 89, 91, 113–23, 134, 138,
218–24, 233, 234, 241, 246, 248,
molecules, 81–8, 126–9, 243–5, 258
noble gases, 42, 47, 70–4, 141,
241–3, 252, 255, 258
positron diffusion, see diffusion,
diffusion equation
positron drift, 209, 301–6
positron lifetimes, 126, 214; see also
positron mobility, 305, 306
positron plasmas, 368, 383, 384