positron physics
This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the field
of low energy positrons and positronium within atomic and molecular
physics. It begins with an introduction to the field, discussing the back-
ground to low energy positron beams, and then covers topics such as total
scattering cross sections, elastic scattering, positronium formation, exci-
tation and ionization, annihilation and positronium interactions. Each
chapter contains a blend of theory and experiment, giving a balanced
treatment of all the topics.
The book will be useful for graduate students and researchers in physics
and chemistry. It is ideal for those wishing to gain rapid, in-depth
knowledge of this unique branch of atomic physics.
Michael Charlton obtained his degree and Ph.D. from University
College London. In 1983 he was awarded a Royal Society University
Research Fellowship, held at UCL. From 1991 to 1999 he was a Reader in
Physics at UCL and was appointed to the Chair in Experimental Physics
at the University of Wales, Swansea in 1999. Professor Charlton has
published over one hundred research articles and written several reviews,
notably for Reports on Progress in Physics and Physics Reports.
John Watkin Humberston was an undergraduate at Manchester
University and obtained his Ph.D. from University College London. From
1965 to 1966 he taught at Trinity College Dublin and became a Lecturer at
UCL in 1966, where he subsequently became Senior Lecturer, Reader and
Professor. During this time he had sabbatical leave at the Goddard Space
Flight Center, USA, and at York University, Toronto, Canada. Professor
Humberston has written numerous research articles, published mainly in
Journal of Physics B, as well as several review articles in Advances in
Atomic and Molecular Physics and in Physics Reports.