truths of mathematics, maybe even just the truths of arithmetic, and then
ask what follows from these truths about what exists. does it follow from
the fact that 2 + 2 = 4 that 2 and 4 exist? does it follow from this fact that
the relation of identity or the operation of addition exists? For a slightly
less abstract example, we could start with some claims of biology, and ask
whether those propositions entail that species exist (over and above the
members of species). What must exist in order for some proposition to be
true has come to be known as that proposition’s ontological commitment.
W. V. o. Quine is famous for describing and advocating this approach
to ontology, though he advocated a somewhat formal and language-based
version. Quine thought that one important task for philosophers was
the translation of natural language sentences into the language of predi-
cate logic. The notation of predicate logic includes quantifiers like ‘(∃ x)’
for ‘there exists an x such that’ and ‘(∀ x)’ for ‘for any x’. The quantifiers
always include a variable that can play a role in a subsequent formula. So,
for instance, ‘(∃ x)Wx’ might represent ‘There is an x such that x is wise’
or more colloquially ‘Something is wise;’ ‘(∀ x)(rx ⊃ B x)’ might represent
‘For any x, if x is a raven, then x is black’ or more colloquially, ‘All ravens
are black.’ Part of doing the translation is to specify a certain element of
the semantics of predicate logic known as the domain of quantification, the
entities that the quantifiers range over, all the things that the variables in
the sentences of predicate logic might stand for. For Quine, once the trans-
lation is done, then the true sentences are committed only to the existence
of members of the domain of quantification. Thus, Quine has famously
concluded, “To be is to be a value of a variable.”
There is plenty of room
for disagreement with Quine over details. Fortunately, for us, more import-
ant than the Quinean details is the general Quinean strategy.
Ultimately, to carry out a successful ontological investigation, to deter-
mine what does exist, one starts from a list of propositions that are true.
It also helps to begin with truths of great importance. This doesn’t mean,
however, that the truths should be restricted to, say, mathematical and
scientific theories. That is a common practice, but often ontological inves-
tigations start from some common-sense truths, some claims of folk theory.
What is the ontological commitment of the common-sense fact that Plato
and Socrates have something in common? does it commit us to, say,
Quine, Methods of Logic, p. 224.