Although philosophers have disagreed on whether it is possible for a
world to contain no mereological simples at all, it is generally agreed that
it is at least possible for there to be some simples in the world. And The
Simple Question is asking about the necessary and jointly sufficient con-
ditions under which this possibly exemplified concept – that of a mereo-
logical simple – is in fact exemplified.
one natural answer to this question is that a physical object is a mereo-
logical simple iff it is point-sized. (Where a point-sized material object is
one that has a spatial location, and possibly such other properties as mass,
charge, spin, and so on, but that has zero spatial extension.) Call this The
Pointy View of Simples.
The Pointy View certainly seems plausible, especially in its claim that
being point-sized is sufficient for being a mereological simple. But sup-
pose there are pointy objects, and suppose it is possible for two of them
to be colocated. (After all, they’re really small, so it’s not as if they will
crowd each other out.) Finally, suppose that two colocated pointy objects
can compose a third object. Then the third object will be point-sized, but
it will not be a simple.
Questions can also be raised about The Pointy View’s claim that being
point-sized is necessary for being a simple. Suppose that in 1,000 years we
will have reached a final physics – a physical theory that is apparently the
ultimate and true theory of everything. And suppose that according to this
theory, there are some fundamental building blocks, called simplons by the
scientists, that all objects in the universe are made of. Suppose these sim-
plons are tiny, perfectly spherical, spatially continuous bits of matter, each
of which is one trillionth the size of the next smallest particle. Suppose,
moreover, that simplons are physically indivisible, that each one is utterly
homogeneous, and that two simplons can never come into contact with
each other. Finally, suppose that simplons are the smallest objects that fig-
ure in any way in the ultimate physical theory of the scientists.
Now, in our scenario, the simplons are of course not point-sized (since
they are spherical). So according to The Pointy View of Simples they are
not mereological simples. But this seems like a strange consequence of
The Pointy View, for several reasons. For one thing, it is strange to think
that a homogeneous, perfectly spherical, and spatially continuous object
such as a simplon has parts, when there is nothing to distinguish one
putative part of it from another. It’s also strange to think that a simplon