152 Unit 19: Irregular verbs
-㔋┞┺ -㠊V㞚㣪
╁┺ “close” ╁㔋┞┺ ╁㞚㣪
┺ “receive” 㔋┞┺ 㞚㣪
⹕┺ “believe” ⹕㔋┞┺ ⹕㠊㣪
㠑┺ “gain” 㠑㔋┞┺ 㠑㠊㣪
Notice that these ඣ-ending verbs conjugate regularly. The stems of these
regular predicates do not undergo any change whether the ensuing suffix
begins with a vowel or a consonant.
The ථ-irregular predicates are subject to the following variation: ථ changes
to either 㤆 or 㡺 (for a few predicates), when the ensuing suffix begins
with a vowel. For instance, consider how 㿻┺ “cold” is conjugated: 㿻 +
㠊㣪 = 㿪㤆 + 㠊㣪 = 㿪㤢㣪. Here are more examples:
-㔋┞┺ -㠊V㞚㣪
ΐ┺ “roast” ΐ㔋┞┺ ῂ㤢㣪 Oῂ㤆 + 㠊㣪P
⑫┺ “lie down” ⑫㔋┞┺ 㤢㣪 O㤆 + 㠊㣪P
☫┺ “help” ☫㔋┞┺ ☚㢖㣪 O☚㡺 + 㞚㣪P
㭣┺ “pick up” 㭣㔋┞┺ 㭒㤢㣪 O㭒㤆 + 㠊㣪P
Ṗ⼣┺ “light” Ṗ⼣㔋┞┺ Ṗ⼒㤢㣪 OṖ⼒㤆 + 㠊㣪P
ἶⰯ┺ “thankful” ἶⰯ㔋┞┺ ἶⰞ㤢㣪 OἶⰞ㤆 + 㠊㣪P
┺ “pretty” 㔋┞┺ ἶ㢖㣪 Oἶ㡺G+ 㞚㣪P
⁎Ⱃ┺ “longed-for” ⁎Ⱃ㔋┞┺ ⁎Ⰲ㤢㣪 O⁎Ⰲ㤆 + 㠊㣪P
▪⩓┺ “dirty” ▪⩓㔋┞┺ ▪⩂㤢㣪 O▪⩂㤆 + 㠊㣪P
▻┺ “hot” ▻㔋┞┺ ▪㤢㣪 O▪㤆 + 㠊㣪P
⚦⪋┺ “scary” ⚦⪋㔋┞┺ ⚦⩺㤢㣪 O⚦⩺㤆 + 㠊㣪P
⥾ỗ┺ “heated” ⥾ỗ㔋┞┺ ⥾Ệ㤢㣪 O⥾Ệ㤆 + 㠊㣪P
ⱋ┺ “spicy” ⱋ㔋┞┺ ⰺ㤢㣪 Oⰺ㤆 + 㠊㣪P
ⶊỗ┺ “heavy” ⶊỗ㔋┞┺ ⶊỆ㤢㣪 OⶊỆ㤆 + 㠊㣪P
ⶊ㎃┺ “fearful” ⶊ㎃㔋┞┺ ⶊ㍲㤢㣪 Oⶊ㍲㤆 + 㠊㣪P
┺ “hateful” 㔋┞┺ ⹎㤢㣪 O⹎㤆 + 㠊㣪P
㌂⧧㓺⩓┺ “lovely” ㌂⧧㓺⩓㔋┞┺ ㌂⧧㓺⩂㤢㣪 O㌂⧧㓺⩂㤆 + 㠊㣪P
㓓┺ “easy” 㓓㔋┞┺ 㓂㤢㣪 O㓂㤆 + 㠊㣪P
㕇ỗ┺ “tasteless” 㕇ỗ㔋┞┺ 㕇Ệ㤢㣪 O㕇Ệ㤆 + 㠊㣪P
㠊⚷┺ “dark” 㠊⚷㔋┞┺ 㠊⚦㤢㣪 O㠊⚦㤆 + 㠊㣪P
㠊⪋┺ “difficult” 㠊⪋㔋┞┺ 㠊⩺㤢㣪 O㠊⩺㤆 + 㠊㣪P
㞚⯚╋┺ “beautiful” 㞚⯚╋㔋┞┺ 㞚⯚┺㤢㣪 O㞚⯚┺㤆 + 㠊㣪P
㠊㰖⩓┺ “dizzy” 㠊㰖⩓㔋┞┺ 㠊㰖⩂㤢㣪 O㠊㰖⩂㤆 + 㠊㣪P
㯦ỗ┺ “delightful” 㯦ỗ㔋┞┺ 㯦Ệ㤢㣪 O㯦Ệ㤆 + 㠊㣪P
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