Unit 18: Negation 145
To change the long form negation into the past, one needs to add the past
tense marker 㠞V㞮 to the negative auxiliary verbs 㞠┺ or ⴑG䞮┺.
㑮㧪㧊Gἶ₆⯒Gⲏ㰖G㞠㞮㠊㣪 “Susan did not eat meat”
㑮㧪㧊Gἶ₆⯒Gⲏ㰖Gⴑ䟞㠊㣪 “Susan could not eat meat”
The negative auxiliary verb Ⱖ┺
For imperative and propositive sentences, the negative auxiliary verb
Ⱖ┺ is used instead.
[stem + 㰖GⰦ┺]
⁎G㡗䢪⯒G⽊㰖GⰦ㞚㣪 “Don’t see that movie” or “(Let us)
not see that movie”
⁎G㡗䢪⯒G⽊㰖GⰞ㕃㔲㡺 “Don’t see that movie”
⁎G㡗䢪⯒G⽊㰖GⰯ㔲┺ “(Let us) not see that movie”
䞯ᾦ㠦GṖ㰖GⰦ㞚㣪 “Don’t go to school” or “(Let us)
not go to school”
䞯ᾦ㠦GṖ㰖GⰞ㕃㔲㡺 “Don’t go to school”
䞯ᾦ㠦GṖ㰖GⰯ㔲┺ “(Let us) not go to school”
ⰺ㤊G㦢㔳㦚Gⲏ㰖GⰦ㞚㣪 “Don’t eat spicy food” or “(Let us)
not eat spicy food”
ⰺ㤊G㦢㔳㦚Gⲏ㰖GⰞ㕃㔲㡺G “Don’t eat spicy food”
ⰺ㤊G㦢㔳㦚Gⲏ㰖GⰯ㔲┺ “(Let us) not eat spicy food”
㢖㧎㦚GⰞ㔲㰖GⰦ㞚㣪 “Don’t drink wine” or “(Let us) not
drink wine”
㢖㧎㦚GⰞ㔲㰖GⰞ㕃㔲㡺 “Don’t drink wine”
㢖㧎㦚GⰞ㔲㰖GⰯ㔲┺ “(Let us) not drink wine”
Notice that the stem Ⱖ changes to Ⱎ (as in Ⱎ㕃㔲㡺) and to Ⱟ (as in
Ⱟ㔲┺). This is due to the fact that Ⱖ┺ is a ඥ irregular verb. In
ඥ-irregular, the stem loses ඥ when the stem is followed by one of the
following consonants: ච, ථ, and න. The verb Ⱖ┺ is a ඥ-irregular. Con-
sequently, the stem Ⱖ loses ඥ, as it is conjugated with the deferential
imperative ending -㕃㔲㡺, and -㕃㔲┺ (since the ending begins with න).
The other ඥ-irregular verbs include the verbs like ㌊┺ “live,” 㞢┺
“know,” ₎┺ “long,” and so on.
However, with the polite speech level 㠊V㞚㣪, the ඥ of the ඥ-irrregular
verb is retained. Consider the following examples:
TV ⯒G⽊㰖GⰦ㞚㣪 “Don’t watch TV”
㰧㠦GṖ㰖GⰦ㞚㣪 “Don’t go home”
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