Portugal 61–62, 79, 80, 85, 87,
93, 307c, 308c
Portuguese, the 22, 28, 32, 38,
42–46, 51, 58, 61, 62–63, 74,
93–94, 307c, 308c
potatoes 5, 9
Potosí, Bolivia 28–29, 36–37, 42,
48, 51, 90, 91, 106, 306c
mining in 119
Potosí market 29, 32, 34–36
silver mines in 64
trade with 74
Potro, Juan Martín del xi–xii
pottery 6, 14, 18
poverty. See poor, the
press, the 215, 268–270
prices 171, 201, 210–211, 222–
224, 291. See also cost of living;
private retirement accounts,
nationalization of 292–293
privatization 264, 265, 267, 269,
271, 272, 276, 285, 313c
processing industry 110, 111,
147–148, 156–157, 188
Process of National Reorganization
(El Proceso). See El Proceso
production, Great Depression
and 184
Pro-Lonardi demonstrators 215
prostitution 171–172
protectionism, porteño 131
provinces 103–104, 275,
Andean 121
commercial renaissance of the
1830s 120–122
consolidation of political
control over 131
disunity among the 104–107
governments of 106, 120
interior 126–128, 135–137,
littoral 148
political rapprochement
among the 103–104
reorientation of trade in the
riparian 107, 121
public health 171, 172
public spending 253, 272, 276,
Puelche, the 16, 17
Puerto Argentino 250
Puerto Nuevo district, Buenos
Aires, Argentina 228
Pueyrredón, Juan Martín de 104
pulperías 115
pulperos 113, 115, 117
Punta del Este, Uruguay 272
purges 240
Quechua 6, 8, 120
Querandí, the 17, 20, 22, 23,
34, 48
Quinto River 54
Quiroga, Facundo 94
race 154, 163, 200, 297, 298
in Buenos Aires 66
class and 120, 158
in the colonial militias 68
labor and 115, 297
during the liberal age 163–166
in Mendoza, Argentina,
1812 67t
racial mixing 41
under Rosas 122, 124, 126
racism xiii, 80, 128
Radical Party, in the neoliberal age
Radical Party, the 167–168, 170–
171, 173, 176–177, 179–180,
183–184, 277, 310c, 311c, 313c
de-Peronization and 218–
220, 252
in the neoliberal age 262, 272
Perón and 188–190, 192,
196, 200
raids 10, 48, 50, 54–56, 124, 131,
132–134, 132, 310c
railways 141, 143, 144t, 159, 168,
174–175, 176, 196, 198, 290,
301, 310c
Alberdi on 128, 129
British 175–177, 178, 192,
196, 198, 200, 203, 209,
cargo and passengers, 1880–
1915 144t
national 208–209, 222, 264,
privatization of 271
railway workers 201, 203,
211, 247
wages paid by 148–149
Railway Union (Unión
Ferroviaria) 176–177, 201, 203
Ramírez, Francisco 94, 104–105,
ranchers 61, 76–77
ranches. See estancias
Ranqueles, the 133, 134
Razzano, José 155, 310c
Reagan, Ronald 246, 248
Real Caja de Consolidación 90
recession of 1952 210–211, 213
“Reconquest of the Americas” 63
refrigeration 147–148
regime change 225–226. See
military coups
religion, freedom of 128
religious instruction 205, 213
Renault 225, 231
rents. See farm tenants
represores 282–283, 284, 300
Republic of Argentina 127, 140,
Residency Law 171
retailing 110, 115
Revolución Libertadora 213, 214,
215, 226, 232, 312c
revolution. See War of
Revolutionary Army of the People
(ERP) 234, 258
Revolution of 1943 192–193
revolution of 1955. See
Revolución Libertadora
Rico, Aldo 258, 259
rights 79, 129. See
right-wing groups 299
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 62, 130
Río de la Plata
colonial 25–26, 27–50,
51–78, 65m
precolonial 20–25
Río de la Plata, estuary of 1,
15–16, 20, 25, 52, 61–62, 74,
82, 93, 107, 108–109, 306c
Río de la Plata, Viceroyalty of 64,
65m, 69–70, 79–84, 87–89,
300–301, 308c–309c
breakdown of the 91–92
first battle between Europeans
and indigenous peoples
at 22
internal trade of 119–122
reforms in 64
revolution in 88–90
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 58, 61
Río Negro 262
Río Negro valley 134, 135
riots 263–264, 263, 273, 277
Rivadavia, Bernadino 105, 110, 112
river trade 74, 111, 119, 121, 127
river travel 35–36, 42–43
Roca, Julio A. 136–137, 144, 167,
184, 205, 222, 297
accession of 138, 310c
assassination attempts against
Conquest of the Desert 132–
133, 135, 141, 159, 310c
Generation of Eighty and
Roca, Julio A., Jr. 194
Roca-Runciman Treaty 194, 198,
Rockefeller, Nelson 235
rodeos 76–77
Rodríguez de Francia, José Gaspar
94–95, 128
Roldán, María 237
Rondeau, José 104
root crops 14, 15
Rosario, Argentina 147, 153,
203, 263
Rosario, Santa Fe Province,
Argentina 146
Rosas, Encarnación 124
Rosas, Juan Manuel de 106, 112,
123, 128, 136, 165, 204, 251, 299
fall of 127, 133
as governor of Buenos Aires
Province 122–126, 309c
indigenous peoples and 132,