cartoneros 287
cart trains 35–36, 42
Carulla, Juan E. 174
Casa Rosada x, 185, 193, 203–
204, 218, 221, 246, 259, 273,
276, 294
caserola movement 285, 294
Caseros, battle of 127
cassava 5, 9, 14, 58
Castillo, Ramón S. 192–193
Castro, Fidel 221, 261, 267, 312c
Catholic Action organization 205,
213, 232, 233, 299, 311c
Catholic Church, the 61, 81, 205,
284, 311c
church-state relations and
70–71, 213, 311c
Perón and 205, 213
Catholicism 28, 31, 39, 61. See
also Catholic Church, the; Jesuits
cattle 29, 31, 38, 46, 48–49, 53,
55–56, 60, 71, 75, 94, 106,
130–134, 146–148
cattle industry 48, 111–114, 121,
122, 135, 177
cattle branding 29, 76, 77,
116, 117
cattle by-products 111, 114
cattle raising 45–47, 51, 58,
76–77, 93, 109, 146–147,
159, 174–175, 177, 288
cattle-slaughtering 74, 75,
77, 111
cattlemen 31–32, 34, 45, 76, 77,
112, 115, 177. See also gauchos
cattle ranches. See estancias
caudillos 93–95, 96, 103, 104–
107, 232, 235, 299
age of 309c–310c
political unrest and 119–120
violence in the era of 125, 126
cautivas 134–135
Cavallo, Domingo 264, 266, 269,
cavalries 54
Central Bank 266
centralism 96, 122, 127, 141,
276. See also Unitarians
Cepeda, Battle of 128
cereal crops 143, 159, 275, 289
CGT (General Labor
Confederation) 203, 206, 207,
208, 219, 261
Chacabuco 97
Chaco Indians, the 12–15, 13,
49–50, 70
Chaco War xi, 196
Chamber of Deputies. See
Charrúa, the 15–17, 15, 20, 23,
Chávez, Hugo 280, 281, 290
Che. See Guevara, Ernesto “Che”
che, origin of the term 154–155,
Chicago School of Economics
264, 266
the Chicha 6
chicha 7, 9, 14, 53
chieftains 7, 8, 10, 12, 23, 50,
54–55, 57, 299, 308c. See also
abandonment of 164
cautivas 134–135
Creole 164
education of 153–154
indigenous 18, 55
Chile 134, 228, 250, 256, 266–
267, 280, 290
in the colonial era 29, 36, 40,
46, 53, 81, 307c
liberation of 97–98, 309c
population of 3t
precolonial 1, 8–9
trade with 36–37, 74, 290
Chileans 101
China 275, 289, 289t, 290
chiripás 121
Christianity 39. See also
Chrysler 225
Chubut River x
church, the. See Catholic Church,
chusma 203
citizenship 79
Citroën 225, 232
civil disobedience 216–217
civil wars 80, 105, 106, 107, 111,
125, 301
class xii, xiii, 124, 136, 188. See
also specific classes
authoritarianism and 298–299
in Buenos Aires 66
in the colonial era 52, 56–58,
77, 84–85, 89, 91
economic crisis of 2008
and 294
elections and 215–217
immigration and 163–166
landed v. landless 157–162
during the liberal age
157–162, 163–166
race and 120, 158, 297–298
under Rosas 126
clergy 86, 233
Clinton, Bill 267
clothing 66, 73, 156
clubs 10
coal 157, 175, 180
coca leaf 7
Cochrane, Lord 97
coke 157
College of Jesuits. See Jesuits
Colombia 64, 100, 102
Colônia do Sacramento, Uruguay
61, 62–63, 74, 82, 93, 307c, 308c
colonial era, the xi, 4, 27–102,
296–297, 299, 300–301
administration during 52,
63–64, 68–70
Bourbon Reforms and 63–64
church-state relations in the
colonial militias 63, 68,
82–84, 88
crisis of colonial order
imperial decapitalization 81
social control and 39
Spanish dependence on the
colonies 80–81
Colorado River 55
Colorados (crimsons) 220
Colorados del Monte 124
Columbus, Christopher 20, 306c
Comechingón, the 32–33, 33, 307c
comerciantes 85
commerce. See financial sector;
merchants; trade
communism 243
communists 201, 202, 254
Comodoro Rivadavia 177, 180
comuneros 61, 62, 307c
concubines 58
Confederación General del Trabajo
(General Labor Confederation)
Congress 168, 212, 218, 220,
256–257, 267, 275, 278, 282,
293–294, 314c
Conquest of the Desert 132–133,
135, 141, 159, 310c
Conservative Party 168, 177, 191,
192, 200, 310c
conservatives 167–168, 173, 176,
180, 189
consolidation 136, 138
constitutions 126
of 1853 103–104, 127, 128,
131, 136, 256, 263, 267,
Constitution of 1853 309c
construction 115, 199, 200
consumer goods 29, 119, 156,
157, 175
contras, the 246
contratistas 162
convertibility plan 266, 272,
288, 313c
copper 14, 290
Córdoba, Argentina x, 90, 94, 107,
124, 164, 225, 229, 297, 301
automobile industry in 231
as capital of Río de la Plata 32
cattlemen of 31–32, 34
in the colonial era 29, 36,
47, 55
Cordobazo in 230–231, 231,
232, 312c
founding of 307c
hardliners in 246–247
hides from 121
Jesuit ranches in 60, 60t, 307c