Later, Brauner and Preisinger (1956) and Preisinger (1959) proposed another
model for sepiolite with space group Pnan (Fig. 2.20, Table 2.3). The fundamental
difference between both models lies in whether the tetrahedral inversion at the edge
of the ribbons occurs along the middle of the zig-zag Si–O–Si chains (Nagy and
Bradley, 1955) or along their edges (Brauner and Preisinger, 1956). In the Brauner
and Preisinger (1956) model, adjacent inverted ribbons are joined by a single basal
oxygen (instead of two as in the Nagy–Bradley model), and there are eight octa-
hedral sites in a ribbon (instead of nine), four OH (instead of six), and eight zeolitic
water molecules (instead of six).
ED patterns from single fibres by Brindley (1959), Zvyagin (1967), and Gard and
Follet (1968) have confirmed that the extinctions are in agreement with the space
group Pnan. The Brauner–Preisinger model for sepiolite has also been confirmed and
refined by Rautureau et al. (1972), Rautureau and Tchoubar (1974), Raut ureau
(1974), and Yucel et al. (1981).
The unit-cell parameters determined for sepiolite are: a ¼ 0.528 nm, b ¼ 2.695 nm,
c ¼ 1.33 nm, b ¼ 901 (Table 2.2). Channels in the structure are 0.37 nm 1.06 nm in
Regarding the palygorskite structure, Bradley (1940) proposed a model with a
probable A2/m space group (Table 2.2). The main difference from the sepiolite
model is the shorter b dimension because only two linked pyroxene-like single chains
are in the ribbon. Later, Drits and Sokolova (1971) confirmed the Bradley model and
measured a b-angle of 1071. It would therefore appear that for both sepiolite and
palygorskite, the linkage by two oxygens can be excluded.
Table 2.2. Some crystallographic data for sepiolite and palygorskite (Jones and Gala
n, 1988)
a (nm) b (nm) c or c sin b (nm) b (1) Space group
Nagy and Bradley (1955) 0.530 2.70 1.34 ? A2/m
Brauner and Preisinger (1956) 0.528 2.680 1.340 901 Pnan
Brindley (1959) 0.525 2.696 1.350 901 ——
Zvyagin et al. (1963) 0.524 2.72 1.34 901 Pnan
Bailey (1980) (average) 0.528 2.695 1.337 901 Pnan
n (unplublished,
Vallecas sepiolite) 0.523 2.677 1.343 901 Pnan
Bradley (1940) 0.52 1.80 1.29 ? A2/m
Zvyagin et al. (1963) 0.522 1.806 1.275 95.831 P2/a
Christ et al. (1969) (Sapillo) 0.524 1.787 1.272 901 Pn
Christ et al. (1969) 0.524 1.783 1.278 95.781 P2/a
Drits and Sokolova (1971) 0.515 1.785 1.314 1071 A2/m
Bailey (1980) (average) 0.520 1.790 1.270 901,961, 1071
Chapter 2: Structures and Mineralogy of Clay Minerals58