List of Figures and Tables
1.1 Tidal cycle and electricity generation periods for a barrage with
additional pumping at high tide 3
1.2 Typical annual variation in wave power levels 4
1.3 Wind turbine output characteristics 5
1.4 Influence of storm conditions on spot electricity prices in
Danish kroners per megawatt hour in West Denmark during
the first week of January 2005 6
1.5 Large fluctuations in wind output in the E.ON Netz network in
Germany 7
1.6 Example of longer-term changes in average annual wind speeds 8
1.7 Wind data for mainland Britain on Wednesday, 28 December 2005,
at 18:00 GMT: Light winds with cold anticyclone weather 10
1.8 Daily load variation on the UK National Grid system showing
maximum and minimum demand days from 1 July 2005 to
30 June 2006 12
1.9 National Grid demand and generation capacity available for the
12 months from 1 July 2005, with reference to the weekly system
peak load demands (SPLDs) 15
1.10 Percentage generation availability margin relative to demand
from 1 July 2005 15
1.11 Relationship between percentage of Great Britain peak demand
and overall percentage hourly wind plant load factor 16
1.12 Probability distribution of total Great Britain wind power
generation from 7600MW of dispersed wind turbines 17
1.13 Probability distributions of total generation capacity for
secure supply 19
1.14 Wind capacity credit in Great Britain relative to the National
Grid security of supply standards 21
1.15 Graphs of zero backup capacity separating the regions where
extra backup capacity is not required (left) and backup capacity
is required (right)25
1.16 Wind generation (TWh) and corresponding wind capacity for
different load factors 25
1.17 Relationship between backup capacity and installed wind
capacity for different ratios of wind load factor to thermal
plant load factor 26
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