Works about Demosthenes
Gibson, Graig. Interpreting a Classic: Demosthenes
and His Ancient Commentators. Berkeley: Univer-
sity of California Press, 2002.
Johnstone, Christopher Lyle, ed. Theory, Text, Con-
text: Issues in Greek Rhetoric and Oratory. Albany:
State University of New York Press, 1996.
Worthington, Ian, ed. Demosthenes: Statesman and
Orator. London; New York: Routledge, 2000.
deus ex machina term
Deus ex machina, a Latin term that means “god
from the machine,” refers to a theatrical device
used in ancient Greek drama, most conspicuously
in the fifth century B.C. by the tragedian EURIPIDES.
At the end of a play, when the character’s difficul-
ties seem beyond resolution, a deity such as Apollo
or Athena (the “god”) soars onto the stage in a bas-
ket maneuvered by a mechanical contraption (the
“machine”), untangles the plot, and extricates the
In contemporary usage, the term refers to any
extraordinary mechanism or intervention used to
resolve a situation in a theatrical or literary work.
Even in Euripides’ time, the agent was not always a
deus, or god. For example, his Electra tells the tale
of the ill-fated and murderous house of Aetreus
and of the final deadly acts that will bring the fa-
milial curse to an end. While the great general
Agamemnon is fighting in the Trojan War, his
daughter Electra and son Orestes, with some justi-
fication, slay their adulterous mother and her
lover. Immediately, they are stricken and incapaci-
tated by what they have done, at which point
Zeus’s sons Castor and Polydeuces (the deus ex
machina) appear overhead to mete out the appro-
priate punishment: Electra is exiled, and Orestes is
pursued by vengeful spirits.
In another of Euripides’ plays, Medea, the pro-
tagonist is princess of Colchis and a sorceress who
has tricked her father, murdered her brother, and
fled her homeland, all to help her beloved Jason
procure the mythic Golden Fleece. The self-serving
Jason, however, has taken a Corinthian princess as
his bride. Medea punishes him by slaying their two
young sons. As Jason swears vengeance, Medea ap-
pears above the house in a dragon-drawn chariot,
poised to travel to Athens and seek refuge with the
old king Aegeus. For some critics of deus ex
machina, this is an unsatisfactory resolution to the
plot, because Medea does not solve the princess’s
problem; rather, she complicates it.
A more satisfactory use of deus ex machina is in
Euripides’ Alcestis. In this play, Admetus, king of
Thessaly, is fated to die young. The god Apollo in-
tervenes on his behalf by persuading Death to take
a substitute. Death agrees, on the condition the
substitution is voluntary. Admentus assumes his
elderly parents will die in his stead, but it seems
they are enjoying their twilight years and refuse.
Alcestis, Admetus’s wife, however, volunteers to die
in his place. The legendary hero Heracles, godlike
but not a deity, travels to the underworld, success-
fully wrestles Death, and, as the deus ex machina,
returns the queen of Thessaly to life.
The use of external or improbable means to
solve a dramatic problem is generally considered a
clumsy plot device and suggests the dramatist was
unable to resolve the story in a more acceptable
dramaturgical fashion. In the fourth century
the philosopher ARISTOTLE gave his opinion of the
use of such a device in his Poetics, an instruction
manual of sorts for aspiring tragedians:
In portraying character, too, as in constructing
the events, the poet should always look for
what is either necessary or probable, so as to
have a given agent speak or act either necessar-
ily or probably, and [hence] to have one event
occur after another either necessarily or prob-
ably. It is evident, then, that the resolutions of
the plots, too, should come about from the plot
itself and not by the use of deus ex machina, as
in the Medea....
Some contemporary Euripedean scholars have
argued that he deliberately used the device to make
a dramatic statement. These scholars suggest that
Euripides used supernatural or superhuman forces
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