186 18 Bein g i n C ontrol
sont connues, ce triangle est connu (abstracti on faite de sa posi-
tion), donc il doit y avoir une “formule” explicite pour exprimer, par
exemple, l’aire du triangle comme fonction de a, b, c. Pareil pour un
tétraèdre dont on connaît la longueur des six arêtes — quel est le
volume? Ce coup-là je crois que j’ai dû p ei ner, mais j’ai dû finir par
y arriver, à force. De toutes façons, quand une chose me “tenait”,
je ne comptais pas les heures ni les jours que j’y passais, quitte à
oublier tout le reste! (Et il en est ainsi encore maintenant. . . )
An English translation (Adrien Deloro—with thanks):
I would spend a lot of my time, even during the classes, solving
math problems. Soon those from the book weren’t enough. Perhaps
because on the long run they tended to look too much alike; but
above a ll, I th ink, because they were a bit too much like godsent,
just like that, one after the other, and they wouldn’t say whence
they came from nor where they went. Those were the problems
from the book, n ot my problems.
And yet there were plenty of truly natural questions. For in-
stance, when the lengths a, b, c of the three sides of a triangle are
known, the triangle is known (apart from its position), so there
must be an explicit “formula” yielding, f or example, the area of
the triangle as a function of a, b, c. Same th ing for a tetrahe-
dron wh en you know the lengths of the six edges—what is the
volume? On this one I think I’ve suffered, but I must have even-
tually succeeded. Anyways when something really had “caught”
me, I wouldn’t count the hours nor days tha t I woul d spend on it,
should I forget all the rest! (And so it is still now. . . )
18.10 Autodidact
I continue this chapter with a story of a rebellion and dropping out
of the mathematics education system altogether.
In elementary-school (ca. age 6–9 years) I was fascina ted by ele-
mentary geometry, in part because a popular TV series on as tron-
omy and relativity caught my imagination and provided some fas-
cinating sta tements, like the usual visualizations of strange non-
euclidian things. I found the possibility of proving “obvious” sta te-
ments by general principles absolutely fascinating, much more
fascinating than proving more complicated statements. However,
when I asked teachers about non-euclidian geometry, their neg-
ative reaction alienated me very much. Further I found the way
some geometric objects were d efined too ugly to accept. For exam-
ple, an ugly definition for such a nice figure as a circle to prove
interesting statements appeared to me very crude. On the other
hand, my attempts to use nicer definitions did not work.
At age ca . 14 I started learning analysis by myself, because I
wanted to understand relativity, and the book I had proved ev-
ery statement twice: first by elementary geometric constructions
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