inner projection with accessory spine, robust tooth-like projection, directed forward,
situated almost medially on palm, rectangular projection, limiting distal part of palm,
divided from median projection by U-notch; dactylus strongly curved, its inner side
denticulate. Gills narrow, equal or shorter than half the lengths of corresponding pere-
onites. Pereopods 5–7 very slender, successively increase from 5 to 7 pair, articles
thin, elongate; anterior side of carpus densely covered with setae; palm of propodus
slightly concave, 1 pair of grasping spines situated proximally.
Female up to 20 mm in length, usually 14–18 mm, outwardly similar to males,
tubercles on pereonites 2, 3 and 4 better developed. Female has different ratio between
pereonites’ lengths, gnatopod 2 propodus more rounded than in male, distal denticle
very small, distal triangular projection not developed.
Distribution. C. irregularis is a widespread Pacific boreal species. It occurs in
the Sea of Okhotsk (Babushkin Bay and south of it, west of Yuzhny Cape, south-west
of Paramushir Island, along the eastern shore of Sakhalin Island). It is common near
the Pacific coasts of the Kuril Islands (Paramushir, Onekotan, Simushir, Chirpoi,
Urup, Iturup, Shikotan, Zeleny, and the Skaly Lovushki Islands). It has also been rec-
orded near the northeastern tip of Honshu Island. The southernmost localition of this
species near the Asian shores is the coast of Korea (Mayer, 1890). It is distributed off
the Aleutian Islands (Unalaska Is.), in Alaska Bay (Prince William Bay), off the Alex-
ander Archipelago, in Queen Charlotte Bay, off Vancouver Island. The southernmost
localition of this species in America is Washington State (Puget Sound).
In the Russian waters of the Sea of Japan it is common near the continental coast,
north of Vladimir Bay (Sayon, Olarovsky, and Egorov Capes) and near the southwes-
tern coast of Sakhalin (Chekhov Reid, Novosyolovo Village).
Type locality: the coast of Korea, 109–182 m.
Biological data. C. irregularis is a sublittoral species. Within its area of distribu-
tion, it occurs at depths from 50 to 400 m, rarer in shallow waters, from 10 to 50 m
depth. It inhabits mostly sponges (Halichondria, Homaxinella, Esperiopsis digitata)
and hydroids living on pebbly, gravel and sandy grounds. Representatives of this spe-
cies were found near the Northern, Middle and Southern Kuril Islands during the pe-
riod of research, from July to September, at a water temperature of 1.0–13ºC. Females
with large empty marsupiums and females with stage II embryos were found in Sep-
tember at 5.4ºC water temperature. The number of stage II embryos, 0.35-0.4 mm in
diameter, in females 14.5–18 mm long, ranges from 52 to 117.
18. Caprella bacillus Mayer, 1903
(Pl. XX)
Mayer, 1903: 94, Taf. 3, Fig. 41, 42; Taf. 7. Fig. 73; Vassilenko, 1974: 224–225, fig. 139.
Description. Male length up to 25 mm. Body very thin, smooth, without projec-
tions, covered with tiny wart-like tubercles. One blunt projection situated over gnato-
pod 2 insertion. Antenna 1 slightly shorter than half of whole body length, flagellum
13-articulate. Antenna 2 much shorter than peduncle of antenna 1. Gnatopod 2 in-
serted on posterior part of pereonite 2; basis very thin and elongated, longer than half
of pereonite 2 length; lower margin of merus rounded; propodus elongate, swollen,
proximally limited by small projection with spine, bears 2 triangular projections distal-
ly, anterior margin of propodus with small acute denticle a little distally of middle;