Tokyo Bay, it has been recorded at depths from 72 to 92 m. C. scaura diceros lives on
the algae Ulva fenestrata, Sargassum pallidum, S. miyabei, Coccophora langsdorfii,
Dichloria viridis, Laminaria sp., Neorhodomela larix, Chondria dasyphylla, Phyco-
dris firmbriata, on the sea grasses Phyllospadix iwatensis, Zostera marina and Z. asia-
tica. It occurs together with Caprella danilevskii, C. polyacantha, C. neglecta, C. bis-
pinosa, C. algaceus, C. tsugarensis and C. kroyeri. It does not gather into large as-
semblages. The greatest abundance (233 sp./m
) of this subspecies has been recorded
among the beds of Corallina pilulifera and Sargassum pallidum near Furugelm Island
(Fedotov, 1987). Females with large empty marsupiums and females with eggs were
recorded in July in Possjet Bay; one female 9.5 mm long had 131 eggs of stage I (di-
ameter of fertilized eggs ranged from 0.2 to 0.25 mm).
9. Caprella penantis Leach, 1814
(Pl. XI)
Leach, 1814: 404 (Caprella Penantis); Latreille, 1816: 433 (Caprella acutifrons); Say,
1918: 390–391 (Caprella geometrica); Mayer, 1882: 48–50 (Caprella acutifrons); 1890: 54–
55, Taf. 2, Fig. 36; Taf. 4, Fig. 52, 61 (C. acutifrons f. tabida); 55, Taf. 2, Fig. 37; Taf. 4, Fig.
57–58 (C. acutifrons f. neglecta); 56, Taf. 2, Fig. 40, Taf. 4, Fig. 59, 65 (Caprella acutifrons f.
carolinensis); 56, Taf. 2, Fig. 41; Taf. 4, Fig. 60 (Caprella acutifrons f. virginia); Mayer, 1903:
80 (C. acutifrons f. neglecta; C. acutifrons f. tibada); 82 (C. acutifrons f. testudo; C. acutifrons
f. angusta); Arimoto, 1930: 48–49, fig. 3 (C. acutifrons var. natalensis); Utinomi, 1943a: 273,
figs. 2, 3; 1943b: 282–283, fig. 2; 1947: 72 (C. acutifrons f. neglecta); 1969: 302; McCain,
1968: 33–40, figs. 15, 16, 51 (C. penantis) (full synonymy); Vassilenko, 1967: 200–203,
figs. 5, 6; 1974: 175–178, figs. 97, 98 (C. neglecta); Arimoto, 1976a: 209–220, figs. 113, 114,
115 (full synonymy); Fedotov, 1987: 40 (C. neglecta); De Broyer et al., 2004: 66, 69, fig. 4 (C.
Description. Male length from 6 to 14 mm. Body smooth, compact, bears nu-
merous, very small, rounded wart-like tubercles with sensory «hairs» at their bases,
such tubercles also present on gnatopods 2 and on pereopods 5–7. Head provided with
acute triangular projection directed forward; pereonite 2 noticeably longer than head
with fused pereonite 1; pereonites 2, 3 and 4 of average length, equal; pereonites 3 and
4 bear lateral wing-like plates, overhanging gills. Antenna 1 slightly less than half as
long as body, articles 1 and 2 of peduncle somewhat thick; flagellum consists of 12 to
13 articles. Antenna 2 slightly longer than peduncle of antenna 1; article 2 of flagel-
lum 3 times as short as article 1. Gnatopod 1 slender; propodus oval, palm denticulate,
apical denticles flat; inner side of dactylus unevenly serrate, one row of pegs situated
on lateral side of upper half of dactylus, one row of hair brushes over it. Gnatopod 2:
basis short and thick, less than half as long as pereonite 2, on outer anterior margin
bears sharp carina with distal triangular lobe; merus with angular lower margin; pro-
podus swollen, large, as long as pereonite 2, palm slightly concave, covered with nu-
merous thin setae, proximally limited by robust tooth-like projection, directed for-
ward; distally limited by projection with truncated, unevenly serrate apex; dactylus
with acute tip, proximally provided with notch, corresponding to palm projection.
Gills widely oval. Pereopods 5 to 7 short; pereopods 7 slightly longer than pereopods
5. Basis of pereopods 5 to 7 bears distally rounded lobe on posterior margin; propodus
with slightly concave palm, armed with numerous long setae; grasping spines well
developed, serrate on inner sides.