9 Paper Manufacture
9.1 Introduction 209
9.2 The Paper Machine 209
9.3 The Headbox 211
9.4 The Fourdrinier Wet End .... 214
9.5 Twin Wire Formers 230
9.6 The Cylinder Machine 234
9.7 The Press Section 235
9.8 The Dryer Section 240
9.9 Post Drying Operations 245
9.10 Paper Machine Broke System .. 251
9.11 Conversion 252
9.12 Coating 254
9.13 Annotated Bibliography 258
Exercises 262
10 Fiber from Recycled Paper
10.1 Introduction 263
10.2 Recycled Fiber Preparation .... 263
10.3 Recycled Fiber Recovery 266
10.4 Annotated Bibliography 279
Exercises 282
11 Enviromnental Impact
11.1 Introduction 283
11.2 Water Pollution 284
11.3 Water Quality Tests 285
11.4 Aqueous Effluent Treatments . . 287
11.5 Air Pollution 290
11.6 Air Quality Tests and Control . . 290
11.7 Solid Waste Disposal 293
11.8 U.S. Regulations 294
11.9 Annotated Bibliography 295
Exercises 296
12 Metric and English Units and Unit Analysis
12.1 Metric Units 297
12.2 English and Metric Units 297
12.3 Unit Analysis 308
Exercises 311
13 Introductory Chemistry Review
13.1 The Elements 312
13.2 Ionic and Covalent Bonds .... 314
13.3 Hydrogen Bonding 315
13.4 The Mole and Mass Percentage . 316
13.5 Equivalency, Molarity, and
Normality 317
13.6 Acids, Bases, and the pH Scale . 318
13.7 The Law of Mass Action 323
13.8 Solubility Products 324
13.9 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions . 326
13.10 Electrochemistry 327
13.11 Practical Aspects of
Electrochemistry 330
13.12 Properties of Gases 331
13.13 Annotated Bibliography 333
Exercises 333
14 Analytical and Coordinate Chemistry
14.1 Strong Acid—Strong Base Titrations 335
14.2 pH Properties of Weak Acid-
Conjugate Base Pairs ....... 336
14.3 pH Indicators 337
14.4 Titration of a Weak Acid with a
Strong Base or Weak Base with a
Strong Acid 338
14.5 Reduction-Oxidation Titrations 339
14.6 Colorimetric Analysis 342
14.7 Coordinate Chemistry 343
14.8 Miscellaneous Considerations . . 346
14.9 Annotated Bibliography 346
Exercises 347
15 Calculations of Wood, Paper, and Other
15.1 Wood Moisture Content and Density 348
15.2 Pulpwood Measurement 351
15.3 Tensile Strength and Breaking Length
of Materials 352
15.4 Paper Properties 354
Exercises 357
16 Pulping Calculations
16.1 General Chemical Pulping
Definitions 359
16.2 Kraft Liquor—Chemical
Calculations 359
16.3 Kraft Liquor—Chemical Analysis 363
16.4 Specific Gravity and Viscosity of
Kraft Liquors 367
16.5 Importance of Black Liquor pH . 368
16.6 Kraft H-Factor and Other Process
Control Equations 368
16.7 Sulfite Liquor Calculations .... 372
16.8 Sulfite Liquor Analysis 375
16.9 The Chemistry of Sulfiir 376
16.10 Calcining Equations 377
16.11 Annotated Bibliography 377
Exercises 378
17 Bleaching and Pulp Properties Calculations
17.1 Dilution Water Calculations ... 379
17.2 Chlorine Bleaching 379