112 Dynamical Systems
Dutta, Majumdar, and Sundaram (1994) and Mitra (Chapter 2 in
Majumdar et al. (2000)).
Exercise 9.5 was sketched out by Santanu Roy (who should be respon-
sible for the blemishes!). In this context see Brock and Gale (1969), Jones
and Manuelli (1990), Rebelo (1991), K. Mitra (1998) and T. Mitra (1998).
Section 1.9.5. In his evaluation of the progress of research on optimal
intertemporal allocation of resources, Koopmans (1967, p. 2) observed:
In all of the models considered it is assumed that the objective of economic
growth depends exclusively on the path of consumption as foreseen for the
future. That is, the capital stock is not regarded as an end in itself, or as a
means to other end other than consumption. We have already taken a step away
from reality by making this assumption. A large and flexible capital stock has
considerable importance for what is somewhat inadequately called “defense.”
The capital stock also helps to meet the cost of retaining all aspects of national
sovereignty and power in a highly interdependent world.
See Kurz (1968), Arrow and Kurz (1970), and Roskamp (1979) for mod-
els with “wealth effects.” In the literature on renewable resources and
environmental economics, incorporating the direct “stock effects” is ac-
knowledged to be a significant ingredient in formulating appropriate
policies. Dasgupta (1982, p. 1070) summarized the importance of such
effects as follows:
As a flow DDT is useful in agriculture as an input; as a stock it is hazardous for
health. Likewise, fisheries and aquifers are useful not only for the harvest they
provide: as a stock they are directly useful, since harvesting and extraction costs
are low if stocks are large. Likewise, forests are beneficial not only for the flow
of timber they can supply: as a stock they prevent soil erosion and maintain a
genetic pool.
Benhabib and Nishimura (1985) identified sufficient conditions for the
existence of periodic optimal programs in two-sector models.
Section 1.9.6. This exposition is based entirely on parts of Mitra (2000).
Boldrin and Montrucchio (1986) and Deneckere and Pelikan (1986) used
the reduced form (two-sector) model to provide examples of chaotic be-
havior generated by optimization problems. Of particular importance
also is the paper by Nishimura, Sorger and Yano (1994) on ergodic
chaos. Radner (1966) used a dynamic programming approach to pro-
vide an example of a multisector model (a linear-logarithmic economy)