small a microorganism really is, but there’s a problem using them to describe
size. What is tiny? Are we talking about the diameter of a human hair or its
length? As for the head of a pin, how big is the pin?
Words that are normally used to describe size do so in relative terms rather
than provide a precise measurement. Relative terms compare one thing to
another thing without scientific precision. For example the statement, “millions
of them can fit on the head of a pin” isn’t precise and raises a lot of questions.
How many millions? What size is the head of the pin?
Speaking in relative terms is fine if you want to convey a general sense of
size. Saying that millions of microorganisms can fit on the head of a pin gives
someone a sense that a microorganism isn’t the size of a dog or cat, but is some-
thing much smaller. However, scientists need to precisely measure the size of a
microorganism in order to prevent diseases.
Let’s see how this works by examining a surgical mask commonly used by
medical professionals to control the flow of microorganisms. If you could zoom
in on a surgical mask you would see that the surgical mask is a weave of threads
that form a tiny web consisting of squareish holes. The size of each hole is deter-
mined by how close each strain of thread is to each other. Size is critical to
reduce the spread of disease carrying microorganisms. If the hole is smaller than
the microorganism, then the microorganism is unable to pass through the surgi-
cal mask. It becomes trapped or simply moves in a direction of less resistance.
However a microorganism can easily pass through a hole that is larger than the
Among other reasons, medical professionals choose surgical masks based on
the size of microorganisms that they want to control. In order to make this selec-
tion, they need to precisely measure the size of a microorganism and the size of
the holes created by the web of threads in the surgical mask.
Scientists measure the size of microorganisms—and practically everything
else—by using metric measurements, commonly called the metric system. A
system is a way of doing something, such as having a system to beat the odds in
Las Vegas. The metric system is a way of measuring things by using multiples
or fractions of ten, called factors of ten or the power of ten.
The metric system is the standard way of measuring things throughout the
world except in the United States where we use the U.S. customary system of
measurement, which includes inches, feet, and yards. The metric system is part
of the the Système International d’Unités (SI system).
CHAPTER 3 Observing Microorganisms
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