peutic agent. The minimal bactericidal concentration is the lowest concentration
of a chemotherapeutic agent needed to kill a pathogen.
The broth dilution test requires that a broth containing the drug be placed in
wells of a plastic tray in a sequence of decreasing concentrations of the drug.
Each well is inoculated with the bacteria. After an incubation period, each well
is examined to determine the effectiveness of the concentration of the chemo-
therapeutic agent. The well that shows no pathogen growth with the lowest con-
centration of the chemotherapeutic agent signifies the MIC and MBC that should
be used to treat the disease caused by the pathogen.
Clinical laboratories used an automated broth dilution test where a computer
scans wells and reports results.
1. Antibiosis is
(a) an inactive compound
(b) an antibiotic
(c) narrow-spectrum
(d) broad-spectrum
2. Prokaryotic cells are human cells that are targeted by bacteria.
(a) True
(b) False
3. The way in which an antibiotic attacks a pathogenic microorganism is
(a) lipophilic
(b) hydrophilic
(c) lipopolysaccharide
(d) antimicrobial activity
4. A superinfection is caused by
(a) a pathogen that is resistant to the antibiotic
(b) an infection in deep tissues of the body
(c) an infection that covers a large area of the body
(d) an infection that infects more than two organs
CHAPTER 16 Antimicrobial Drugs
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