also passed to the baby in the first secretion of breast milk, called colostrum,
during breast-feeding.
Artificially acquired active immunity occurs when an individual is given a
vaccine. A vaccine is a substance that contains the weakened or dead organisms.
These antigens stimulate the immune response, but do not cause major sickness.
The body remembers the antigen with memory cells the next time there is expo-
sure to the antigen.
Artificially acquired passive immunity occurs when antibodies are developed
outside the individual and intravenously injected into the body. This form of
immunity helps the body’s own defenses in combating infection.
Serum and Antibodies
Serum is the fluid that remains after the blood has clotted and the serum is sep-
arated from the blood cells and clotted material. Electrophoresis is a laboratory
technique that introduces electrical current into a serum placed in a gel. This
causes proteins within the serum to move across the gel at different rates, which
represents different globulins.
There are three globulins. These are called alpha, beta, and gamma globulins.
Gamma globulin contains the most antibodies. A serum rich in antibodies is
called either gamma globulin or serum globulin.
Gamma globulin can be taken from a person who is immune to an antigen and
injected into a person who lacks the antigen, who then immediately becomes
immune from the antigen. However, the immunity lasts for about three weeks,
at which time the antibodies degrade.
Types of Immunity
Antibody-mediated immunity, which is also known as humoral immunity, uses
antibodies in extracellular fluids, such as mucus secretions, blood plasma, and
lymph, to combat antigens. These antibodies, produced from B cells, which are
also known as B lymphocytes, primarily attack bacteria, bacterial toxins, and
viruses that invade body fluids. They also attack transplanted tissues.
Antibody-mediated immunity was discovered by German scientist Emil von
Behring at the turn of the twentieth century in his quest to create an immuniza-
tion against diphtheria. Behring called this humoral immunity because the med-
ical community called body fluids humors.
CHAPTER 14 Immunity
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