I. The Molecular Design of Life 1. Prelude: Biochemistry and the Genomic Revolution
1.4. Biochemistry and Human Biology
Our understanding of biochemistry has had and will continue to have extensive effects on many aspects of human
endeavor. First, biochemistry is an intrinsically beautiful and fascinating body of knowledge. We now know the essence
and many of the details of the most fundamental processes in biochemistry, such as how a single molecule of DNA
replicates to generate two identical copies of itself and how the sequence of bases in a DNA molecule determines the
sequence of amino acids in an encoded protein. Our ability to describe these processes in detailed, mechanistic terms
places a firm chemical foundation under other biological sciences. Moreover, the realization that we can understand
essential life processes, such as the transmission of hereditary information, as chemical structures and their reactions has
significant philosophical implications. What does it mean, biochemically, to be human? What are the biochemical
differences between a human being, a chimpanzee, a mouse, and a fruit fly? Are we more similar than we are different?
Second, biochemistry is greatly influencing medicine and other fields. The molecular lesions causing sickle-cell anemia,
cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, and many other genetic diseases have been elucidated at the biochemical level. Some of the
molecular events that contribute to cancer development have been identified. An understanding of the underlying defects
opens the door to the discovery of effective therapies. Biochemistry makes possible the rational design of new drugs,
including specific inhibitors of enzymes required for the replication of viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV). Genetically engineered bacteria or other organisms can be used as "factories" to produce valuable proteins such
as insulin and stimulators of blood-cell development. Biochemistry is also contributing richly to clinical diagnostics. For
example, elevated levels of telltale enzymes in the blood reveal whether a patient has recently had a myocardial
infarction (heart attack). DNA probes are coming into play in the precise diagnosis of inherited disorders, infectious
diseases, and cancers. Agriculture, too, is benefiting from advances in biochemistry with the development of more
effective, environmentally safer herbicides and pesticides and the creation of genetically engineered plants that are, for
example, more resistant to insects. All of these endeavors are being accelerated by the advances in genomic sequencing.
Third, advances in biochemistry are enabling researchers to tackle some of the most exciting questions in biology and
medicine. How does a fertilized egg give rise to cells as different as those in muscle, brain, and liver? How do the senses
work? What are the molecular bases for mental disorders such as Alzheimer disease and schizophrenia? How does the
immune system distinguish between self and nonself? What are the molecular mechanisms of short-term and long-term
memory? The answers to such questions, which once seemed remote, have been partly uncovered and are likely to be
more thoroughly revealed in the near future.
Because all living organisms on Earth are linked by a common origin, evolution provides a powerful organizing theme
for biochemistry. This book is organized to emphasize the unifying principles revealed by evolutionary considerations.
We begin in the next chapter with a brief tour along a plausible evolutionary path from the formation of some of the
chemicals that we now associate with living organisms through the evolution of the processes essential for the
development of complex, multicellular organisms. The remainder of Part I of the book more fully introduces the most
important classes of biochemicals as well as catalysis and regulation. Part II, Transducing and Storing Energy, describes
how energy from chemicals or from sunlight is converted into usable forms and how this conversion is regulated. As we
will see, a small set of molecules such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) act as energy currencies that allow energy,
however captured, to be utilized in a variety of biochemical processes. This part of the text examines the important
pathways for the conversion of environmental energy into molecules such as ATP and uncovers many unifying
principles. Part III, Synthesizing the Molecules of Life, illustrates the use of the molecules discussed in Part II to
synthesize key molecular building blocks, such as the bases of DNA and amino acids, and then shows how these
precursors are assembled into DNA, RNA, and proteins. In Parts II and III, we will highlight the relation between the
reactions within each pathway and between those in different pathways so as to suggest how these individual reactions
may have combined early in evolutionary history to produce the necessary molecules. From the student's perspective, the
existence of features common to several pathways enables material mastered in one context to be readily applied to new
contexts. Part IV, Responding to Environmental Changes, explores some of the mechanisms that cells and multicellular
organisms have evolved to detect and respond to changes in the environment. The topics range from general
mechanisms, common to all organisms, for regulating the expression of genes to the sensory systems used by human