(a) Adipose cells normally convert glucose into glycerol 3-phosphate for the formation of triacylglycerols. A
deficiency of hexokinase would interfere with the synthesis of triacyl-glycerols.
(b) A deficiency of glucose 6-phosphatase would block the export of glucose from the liver after glycogenolysis.
This disorder (called von Gierke disease) is characterized by an abnormally high content of glycogen in the liver and
a low bloodglucose level.
(c) A deficiency of carnitine acyltransferase I impairs the oxidation of long-chain fatty acids. Fasting and exercise
precipitate muscle cramps.
(d) Glucokinase enables the liver to phosphorylate glucose even in the presence of a high level of glucose 6-
phosphate. A deficiency of glucokinase would interfere with the synthesis of glycogen.
(e) Thiolase catalyzes the formation of two molecules of acetyl CoA from acetoacetyl CoA and CoA. A deficiency
of thiolase would interfere with the utilization of acetoacetate as a fuel when the blood-sugar level is low.
(f) Phosphofructokinase will be less active than normal because of the lowered level of F-2,6-BP. Hence, glycolysis
will be much slower than normal.
See question
(a) A high proportion of fatty acids in the blood are bound to albumin. Cerebrospinal fluid has a low content of fatty
acids because it has little albumin.
(b) Glucose is highly hydrophilic and soluble in aqueous media, in contrast with fatty acids, which must be carried
by transport proteins such as albumin. Micelles of fatty acids would disrupt membrane structure.
(c) Fatty acids, not glucose, are the major fuel of resting muscle.
See question
(a) A watt is equal to 1 joule (J) per second (0.239 calorie per second). Hence, 70 W is equivalent to 0.07 kJ s
, or
0.017 kcal s
(b) A watt is a current of 1 ampere (A) across a potential of 1 volt (V). For simplicity, let us assume that all the
electron flow is from NADH to O
(a potential drop of 1.14 V).
Hence, the current is 61.4 A, which corresponds to 3.86 × 10
electrons per second (1 A = 1 coulomb s
= 6.28 ×
charge s
(c) Three molecules of ATP are formed per molecule of NADH oxidized (two electrons). Hence, one molecule of
ATP is formed per 0.67 electron transferred. A flow of 3.86 × 10
electrons per second therefore leads to the
generation of 5.8 × 10
molecules of ATP per second, or 0.96 mmol s
(d) The molecular weight of ATP is 507. The total body content of ATP of 50 g is equal to 0.099 mol. Hence, ATP
turns over about once per 100 seconds when the body is at rest.
See question