Well-posedness of linearized problems 345
(Observe that unlike (12.2.18), the inequality (12.2.19) is not homogeneous, but
this will be harmless.)
The condition (UKL) is what we call the uniform Kreiss–Lopatinski˘ı condition
for the planar shock wave u of normal speed σ. As claimed above, (UKL) implies
(by just taking
U =0)
b(u, τ, iη) ≥1/C > 0,
hence also (12.2.18) by inserting
X = −
b(u, τ, iη)
M(u, σ, 0)
b(u, τ, iη)
into (12.2.19).
In practice, the verification of (UKL) is far from being straightforward.
Nevertheless, we claim it is mostly algebraic. The condition (UKL) is indeed
equivalent to the non-existence, for all (η, τ) in the compact set P
trivial solutions in E
(A(u, η, τ)) × C to the algebraic system (12.2.17). This
property can be formulated as the absence of zeroes in P
of an analytic function
∆of(τ,η), depending smoothly on the shock wave u. And it can be shown
that the zero set of ∆ is contained in an algebraic manifold, say M .(See
Chapter 4 for theoretical explanations, and Chapter 15 for the example of gas
dynamics.) The analytical parts in the verification of (UKL) are thus reduced to
the determination of the continuous extension of ∆ to purely imaginary values
of τ, and the elimination of fake zeroes of ∆ from P
∩ M . This is done in detail
in Chapter 15 for the gas dynamics (for a more analytical approach on the same
topic, see [92]). For more general systems, it is only known that small shocks are
stable, as was pointed out by M´etivier in [131] in the case n =2andprovedin
more generality in [133].
12.3 Well-posedness of linearized problems
12.3.1 Energy estimates for the BVP
In this section, we consider the linear BVP
, dχ)˙v
= f
,z>0 ,
B(u) · (d ˙χ, 0) + M(u, dχ) · (˙v
, ˙v
)=g, z =0.
It comes from (12.1.10) and (12.1.11) where we have sent the zeroth-order terms
in ˙v
and ˙χ to the (arbitrary) right-hand sides f
and g. (Recall that the good
unknowns ˙v
are merely related to ˙u
and ˙χ through the relation ˙v
.) For simplicity, we just write this BVP as
L(u, dχ)˙v = f, z > 0 ,
B(u) · d˙χ + M(u, dχ) · ˙v = g, z =0,