964 J.C. Campuzano, M.R. Norman, and M. Randeria
course the expression is itself tautological. The pur-
pose of writing G in this form is that it isolates all
many-body effects in the function £.Anadvantage
of ARPES is that one has the possibility of extract-
ing £ directly from the data, allowing comparison to
various microscopic predictions for £.
One of the more trivial examples of this is when
one fits ARPES data to determine the supercon-
ducting gap, . For instance, the work described in
Sect. 17.5 [21] used a broadened form of BCS theory
to fit the leading edge of the spectra. This is equiva-
lent to £ =−i +
/(! +
+ i ), =0describing
standard BCS theory. The advantage of this proce-
dure is the actual gap function, , is extracted from
the data, rather than ill defined quantities, such as
the often utilized leading edge shift (midpoint of the
leading edge) which is not the same as because of
lifetime andresolutioneffects.Whenthisisdone,a
is obtained which has rather spectacular agreement
with that expected for a d-wave order parameter. Al-
though ARPES contains no phase informationof the
order parameter, the linear behavior of
along the
Fermi surface near the gap zero (node) implies a sign
change. Moreover, ARPES has the additional advan-
tage of determining the shape of
in the Brillouin
zone,which gives important informationon the spa-
tial range of the pairing interaction [79], as also dis-
cussed in Sect. 17.5.
Evenwhen fitting dataat low temperatures includ-
ing energy and momentum resolution, a non-zero
is always needed. The origin of this residual is
still debated. It is larger than what is expected based
on impurityscattering,and certainly larger than that
impliedbyvarious conductivity probes(thermal,mi-
crowave, and infrared). Although the transport scat-
tering rate is different from Im£ (and in particular,
only Umklapp processes contributeto electrical con-
ductivity), the discrepancy is still large enough to be
noticeable, even when taking into account the fact
that in the simple approximation being employed
here, represents some average of Im£ over a fre-
quency range of order .
Although it has been suggested that the residual
is due to surface inhomogeneity effects (in partic-
ular, a distribution of due to local oxygen inho-
mogeneities [104]), a more likely possibility is that
it is the same effect which is seen in normal metals
like TiTe
. In the latter case, it was convincingly ar-
gued that this was the expected final state lifetime
contamination effect when attempting to extract £
from ARPES spectra [105].Although the latter is ex-
pected to vanish in the pure 2D limit, even small 3D
effects can lead to a noticeableeffect,sincefinal state
lifetimes are large. For instance,in simple models,its
contribution to is of order (v
the c-axis velocity of the initial state, v
that of the
final state, and
is the final state lifetime [18].Since
is typically of order 1 eV, then a velocity ratio of
only 0.01 is sufficient to cause a residual of 10 meV.
With this as an introduction, in this section, we
desire to take a more serious look at the issue of
extracting £ from the data.The most commonly em-
ployed strategy is to come up with some model for
£, and then see how well it fits the data, as illustrated
by the simple example above. We will discuss this
approach in more detail later. We start, though, with
discussing an alternate approach which we have re-
cently advocated.
17.7.1 Self-Energy Extraction
Let us first assume we know A.Giventhat,wecan
easily obtain £. A Kramers–Kronig transform of A
will give us the real part of G
− !
, (17.13)
where P denotes the principal part of the integral.
Knowing now both ImG and ReG,then£ can be di-
rectly read off from the definition of G.
Im£ =
Re£ = ! − −
. (17.14)
To obtain ReG usingEq.(17.13),weneed toknowA
for all energies. From ARPES, though, we only know
the product of A and f . (While unoccupied states
can be studied by inverse photoemission, its reso-
lution at present is too poor to be useful for our