19 Heavy-Fermion Superconductivity 1119
is not so clear cut. The tunnel junctions were con-
structed from CeCu
which were separated by a
thin oxide layer from an overlayer of Pb. The mea-
surements showed that, for temperatures below the
of CeCu
,the tunneling conductance resembles
the superconducting density of states of Pb but is
superimposed with very small features that were at-
tributed to a gapless superconducting quasi-particle
density of states of CeCu
Point Contact Spectroscopy
The difficulty of fabricating good tunnel junctions
and the small tunneling probabilitiesassociated with
oxide layers has hampered tunneling experiments.
On the other hand, measurements of the differen-
tial conductance of point-contacts between a super-
conductor and metal are expected to produce larger
currents. In this case, the Cooper pair wave func-
tion of the superconductor extends into the metal
and Andreev reflection may occur [435] along with
the usual single-particle transfer process. That is, an
electron of momentum k
incident on the boundary
between the metal and superconductor may combine
with a normal state electron of momentum −k
form a Cooper pair that subsequently resides within
the superconducting condensate.This process can be
viewed as an incident electron, with energy E <
inside the metal being scattered from the surface of
the superconductor and emerging in the metal as a
reflected hole, thereby transferring a net charge of
2e across the junction. The role of Andreev reflec-
tion in point contact spectroscopy on conventional
s-wave superconductors was pointed out by Blon-
der et al. [436]. Since the conductance depends on
an interface potential which in part models the de-
cay of the pairing potential in the normal metal, the
conductance smoothly evolves between the result for
classic tunneling expressed by Eq. (19.236) and the
extreme Andreev limit.In the extreme Andreev limit,
the conductance of an s-wave superconductor–metal
contact shows a zero biaspeak which is twiceas great
as the normal state conductance of the junction. The
magnitude of the peak height of the normalized con-
ductance is two since a charge of 2e is transferred
across the junction for each normal-metal electron
with energy E <
that falls incident on the surface.
Theconductance recoversto thenormalstatevalue at
higher voltages (eV >
) as other electron trans-
fer processes gradually take over. Bruder extended
the analysis of Andreev reflection to the case of un-
conventional superconductors [437] and found that
the energy of the peak is extremely dependent on
the type of superconducting order parameter and
the direction of the incident electron’s momentum.
In the usual geometry of point contact measurement,
the electrons have varying angles of incidence with
the boundary and, therefore, conductance measure-
ments yield weighted orientational averages of func-
tions of the order parameter.
Early Point contact tunnelling measurements
were made on UPt
and UBe
and various metals
[438,439] but did not lead to reliable estimates of the
gaps for the heavy-fermion superconductors. Later,
measurements on UPt
[440–442] showed that dis-
tinct minima in the differential conductance–voltage
relation occur for current flow along the c-axis but
are generally absent for current flow in the basal
variation with the surface treatment. These results
indicate that the superconducting order parameter
has an anisotropic dependence on k
. The amplitude
of the zero bias peak, when normalized to the con-
ductance at large voltages, is an order of magnitude
smaller than expectedfromtheory.A similardiscrep-
ancy with the theoretical magnitude of the peak was
found in URu
[443]. On defining the strength of
the zero bias conductance peak as the area between
(V) in the superconductor and the normal state
background, the strength vanished close to T
vanishing of the strength between T
and T
is very
surface sensitive but indicates that Andreev reflec-
tion is suppressed in the A phase.A similar reduction
of the strength was found when a magnetic field was
applied in the basal plane.
Point contact measurements on URu
[443] are
of particular interest since they showed a gap with
magnitude of approximately 10 meV opened up in
the conductance spectrum near the transition tem-
perature of 17.5 K. As also observed in point contact
measurements in UPt
[441], the shape of the zero
bias conduction peak for URu
is consistent with
an order parameter that has lines of nodes [443].