5 Formal Languages and Concurrent Behaviours 165
and, indeed, perhaps the most natural extension of the standard net model,
e.g., [43] stated that ‘Petri nets with inhibitor arcs are intuitively the most di-
rect approach to increasing the modelling power of Petri nets’ (note that when
added to the PT-system model considered later on, they lead to a strictly more
expressive model as now Turing machines can be simulated). This section is
based on the work reported in [27] which has been further developed, e.g.,
in [31] and [28].
The enabledness of transitions in ENI-systems and ao-nets is based on an
a priori condition: the inhibitor/activator places of transitions occurring in a
step should obey the relevant constraints before the step is executed, but not
necessarily afterwards. Alternative treatments of this issue are provided in,
e.g., [6] and [50].
5.6 Place Transition Nets
In this section we give an impression of how the trace approach to describe
net behaviour can be generalised to Place/Transition systems (PT-systems
for short), a well-known and prominent class of Petri nets that employ states
to describe the availability of local resources in a quantitative way rather than
to indicate simply the holding or not-holding of local conditions. PT-systems
are of more practical use than EN-systems since certain repetitive features
which would lead to unwieldy EN-systems can be collapsed in a PT-system
thus allowing more compact representations of systems. Moreover, they are
more expressive.
Let us return to the running example. Instead of indicating whether or not
the buffer contains an item at all, the buffer place p4 in PT1, the first net in
Figure 5.19, gives the number of available (produced and not yet consumed)
items. Initially there is one item in the buffer, represented by one token in p4.
The producer is allowed to add items to the buffer also when it is not empty.
Each such item is represented by an additional token in p4. In diagrams of
PT-systems, tokens are used to indicate the current multiplicity of (resources
in) a place; thus it is possible to have more than one token in a place. In
this example, the number of tokens (items) in p4 (the buffer) is not a priori
bounded. The second net PT2 in Figure 5.19 models a producer/consumer
system with a buffer (p4) of bounded capacity (two in this case). Its current
capacity is given through its complement place p7. The token count in the
buffer and the complement together is always exactly 2. Adding an item to
the buffer by the producer decreases its remaining capacity and similarly the
consumption of an item by the consumer leads to an increase of capacity. The
third net PT3 in Figure 5.19 models a producer/consumer system with two
consumers. When there are two or more tokens in the buffer and two consumer
tokens in the local state p5, then the two consumers can each consume an
item without interfering with one another (concurrently). Hence, rather than
using a separate subsystem for each consumer the PT-systems model makes